Chapter 4: For Pigs The Bell Tolls

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In the main room of the Glitz Pit... "So now you must leave..." "Wish we could stay, but... We've got a YouTuber friend to save," Will told. "I understand. If you must, you must. We won't delay you. I hope you succeed in finding the rest of the Crystal Stars. Good luck!" Jolene spoke. "UK Gamers, I wanna tell you all... Rawk Hawk ain't gonna fight dirty anymore. I'm gonna hit the weights, take some vitamins, and win the title fair and square! And I'm never, EVER going to lose again! Remember: when life rocks you, RAWK BACK!" Rawk Hawk exclaimed. "Listen, Dawko... Thanks for everything, man. You're the nicest dude I ever met, and if you ever need it, I got your back. Me, I think I'm gonna chill here and improve my skills. King K's back, baby! And it's all thanks to you, dog! You're my boy, Lewis!"

"Now that Grubba's out of the picture, I will take over running the Glitz Pit. If you ever decide to return to the ring, just come back! I'll keep your spot open. You have tons of fans, and they'd absolutely love it if you made a comeback! Anyway, think it over, okay? And travel safe!" Lewis and the others leave. Sweet! Another Crystal Star! That's three, right? We'd better roll back
to Rogueport, don't you think?" Yoshi proposed. They go back to Rogueport. On their way back to the Rogueport Sewers, Mario gets a message on his phone. "Dawko! You got a message!" "Lewis, I have uncovered something terrible. These things...the X-Nauts... They're planning to take control of the world! It's to that end that they're searching for the Crystal Stars. I still don't know what the Crystal Stars do, but you must try to get them all... I will gather what information I can." - Rhys 

"Oh great, now we've got some villains on our hands," 8-Bit Ryan teased. Lewis rolled his eyes. Lewis and the others continue to the Rogueport Sewers. At the Thousand-Year Door, Lewis stands on the pedestal in front of it and holds up the third Crystal Star. It shows where the fourth Crystal Star is. Ryan gets a red streak in his hair. In Professor Frankly's office... "WHAAAT??? The group that kidnapped Razzbowski is bent on total world conquest?!" Professor Frankly couldn't believe it. "Uh-huh! You got THAT right! That's why those jerks need that legendary treasure!" Yoshi commented. Lewis is uploading the next vlog to YouTube, "Hrmm... This doesn't bode well. The situation has gotten far more severe than I thought!" 

"How so?" Ryan asked. "Let me bring you up to speed. I've been researching just what this treasure could be... One book I came across held to what I thought was a preposterous theory... This book claimed that the "treasure" was, in actuality, the great cataclysm. ...The very cataclysm that, a thousand years ago, sank that town underground!" Professor Frankly explained. "So these jerks think the power of that cataclysm will help them rule the world?!?" The Ryans' jaws dropped. "WHAT-" Will was shocked, and so was Lewis. "I can't say for sure what they will do or why, but we must consider the possibility. Now that things have come to this, we mustn't let them near the legendary treasure. That's all that matters. Because if they do get it, then once again, this town... No...the ENTIRE WORLD could be destroyed!"

"According to the map, it appears the next Crystal Star is in Twilight Town." "Twilight Town?" "To tell you the truth, I don't know much about the place, myself. Only rumors. I have heard that, as the name implies, it's perpetually dim and eerie there. ...Wait just a moment..." Frankly takes a book. "Ah-HA! There appears to be a pipe to Twilight Town somewhere here in Rogueport. I do believe it's somewhere underneath the west part of town. Yes, definitely. If you get stuck for
any reason, just come back and see me again, OK?" "Under the ground in the west part of town? Check! Gotcha, Prof! C'mon, UK Gamers! Let's go! Time to break out!" Lewis and the others go to the Rogueport Sewers from the western side of town. After Lewis does his intro, he films. They find a brown pipe which leads to Twilight Town.

They enter the pipe and get spit out in Twilight Town. "Ugh, this place gives me the creeps. Is this Twilight Town?" "Hey..." A villager walks up to Lewis. "It's been a long time since anyone's come from...outside. You've all come from far away?" They nod. "Yeah, those clothes of yours... I'm pretty sure you guys must be... adventurers! Right? This is a bad time to arrive. Wait, but you're adventurers! ...Maybe it's a perfect time." "What do you mean, a bad time? This isn't UnderTale!" 8-Bit-Ryan remarked. Ryan looks around to see if he can find Sans, or if Megalovina play. To the Youtubers' surprise... Nothing happened.  "Oh, gee whiz, I dunno... It's a scary tale to hear. And scary to tell, too." A bell rings.

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