Chapter 3: Glitz And Glory

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At the Great Tree, Lewis and his friends were with the Punies. "Thank you, Lewis and friends, for everything you've done. We can go back to our peaceful way of life now," Punio told. "You know, son, now that we get right down to it, I'm kind of sad to see you go. I do love pontificating, so come on by whenever you want to sit and chat for a while." "Yes, please come back and visit! We'll watch for you!" "We'll work together from now to prevent anything like that from happening again. Thanks for showing us how to stick together, Lewis. Good luck with the Crystal Stars!" "We'll make sure to visit!" Ryan said.  "See you, Mr. Lewis!"

As Lewis and the others make their way out of the woods, Lewis gets a message on his phone. "Looks like Rhys sent us another message," Koops said. "Hey Lewis! I'm sure you're very concerned about me... But I'm fine! I'm actually more worried about you. The fiends who kidnapped me are searching desperately for the Crystal Stars. I'll try to learn what I can about them. I'll message again if I uncover anything, okay? Take care!" - Rhys 

"Alright, let's get out of here. To the Rougeport Sewers!" Lewis and the others make their way to Rougeport Sewers. Then, they go to the room where the Thousand-Year Door is located. Lewis stands on the pedestal in front of the door. "Now, my little Lewis! It's Crystal Star time!" FLurrie announced. He holds up the second Crystal Star, and the diagram appears again. This time, Ryan gets a streak of red in his hair. Lewis looks at the map. "Okay so... it's in the sky." "That's weird... What could be in the sky that we need to go to?" Koops remarked. The group heads over to Professor Frankly's office. "...That means that beneath this town, the thousand-year-old ruins remain intact. And that door's been sealed shut for a thousand years by the Crystal Stars... In order to open that seal, we have to muster the power of all the Crystal Stars," Professor Frankly explained.

"Then why do we need the Crystal Stars if that's what sealed the door in the first place??" Will questioned. Lewis was uploading the second vlog to YouTube. To the YouTubers' surprise, they didn't feel tired... Or hungry. Or thirsty. It felt weird. "I'm sorry. So sorry! I know that the treasure was sealed away around the time the town was destroyed... But the problem is... No one's even sure what it was that caused the town's demise. All that's written is this: Darkness stole the sky and the cataclysm rained down. I must research this more. Assuming will just make an... Well, you know the saying." "Oh, yes. How inappropriate. In any case, what about the location of this Crystal Star that's floating on the map?" Flurrie asked. 

"Hmm... Very interesting... Perhaps it's pointing to the floating town of Glitzville... There's a stunning arena there where great warriors engage in furious battles! Ostensibly, families go there on vacation to lounge and enjoy the fights, but... Behind the scenes, the richest people in the world wager on the bouts." "So how do we get there? Fly?" Koops joked. The YouTubers laughed. "A special blimp flies there... It departs from Rogueport several times a day. The problem is getting a seat. The only way to get a ticket is through certain 'channels'... Word on the street is, all tickets go through Don Pianta on the west side. Head west from Rogueport's main plaza and you'll reach the west side of town. That part of town is under control of Don Pianta, the Pianta syndicate head. Apparently, Don Pianta makes pretty regular jaunts over to Glitzville."

"Oh boy..." Lewis remarked. "It may sound easy, but he's a syndicate boss, folks. The rumors about him are scary. And Don Pianta is a recluse. Just getting an audience with him will be difficult." Lewis and the group go to the main plaza of Rogueport. As they make their way to the western end of the town... "FREEZE!!! You 4! Not another step! Don't come this way!!!" A lady said. "What? Why?" Will was confused. Lewis was filming. "Some complete JERK just bumped into me and made me lose a contact lens! I'm looking for it right now, so DON'T YOU DARE MOVE!!! You hear me? Whatever you do, do NOT move an INCH! NOT AN INCH, YOU HEAR?!?"

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