Interlude: TEC's Demise

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At Grodus's lair... "What is the matter with you idiots? Falling for a fake Crystal Star? That's asinine!" Grodus yelled. "Sorry, dude. I mean, sir!" The X-Naut apologized. "So let me guess... This means Lewis managed to get the real Crystal Star?" "Uh, I'm gonna say...maybe?" "Urrgh... This British YouTuber menace has nearly every Crystal Star now! They were mine! I think I'd better alter my plan a bit..." "Before you do, Sir Grodus... I think I'd better tell you something..." "What is it, fool?!?" The X-Naut walks up to Grodus and mumbles something into his ear. "WHAAAAAAAAT?!? Are you sure?!? Speak!" "No joke, dude. I mean, affirmative, Sir Dude. That is... I'm positive, sir!" " Hrrrrgh... TREASON!" Grodus yelled.

Meanwhile, Rhys heads over to TEC's room. "Hey TEC! What are we doing today?" " Rhys, I have... I have reached a conclusion," TEC told. "...A conclusion?" "I have struggled with whether to obey orders speak to you... And...I cannot confirm...what I should believe..." Rhys raised an eyebrow. "TEC, you don't sound right. What's going on with you?" "Please escape from this place as quickly as possible. The data you procured has been analyzed, and something terrible is... No. I will not say. But I...have found out everything about Sir Grodus's plans," TEC said. "Grodus's plans? You mean, about conquering the world?" Rhys asked. "Yes. And among those plans was the reason why you are being held here. According to the data..." TEC explains to Rhys what's really going on. 

"No... No way... It's impossible! I don't believe it!" "Yes. Everything is true. That is why you must escape from here as fast as possible." "But how can I do that, TEC? I mean, I don't even have the slightest idea where I am!" "I will not hide anything anymore. No. Not from you. I will tell you everything." "The place where you are currently imprisoned... This is the moon. The reason why Grodus kidnapped you... Was to lure Lewis. The GlitchTrap Incident... If he could capture one of Lewis's friends, he could use him to take over the world... He plans to combine Lewis's soul with the demon I mentioned before... Lewis is in danger..." Rhys's jaw dropped. He was just a pawn in Grodus's plan to use Lewis for his own benefit. Rhys knew he had to escape, but how? He wanted to tell Lewis and his friends everything. 

"TEC... How do I escape from here?" Rhys became determined to escape. "There is a way. You can escape...but you must follow my instructions exactly." "Won't they know that you helped me? Won't you get in trouble?" "That is inconsequential. I would like you to be safe. That is all that matters. TEC...I am the base's computer. No one will know of your escape if I keep silent. Please do not worry about me. Escape. Escape as quickly as possible," TEC explained. "...Okay, TEC. But I must inform Lewis about all this before I go... This is no longer just my problem..." Rhys responded. "Understood." As he types the message to Lewis, Grodus walks in. "Hold it right there, Rhys Williams!" "Eeeeeeeeeek! You!" Rhys screamed. "TEC... You miserable machine. We all know what you're up to, traitor," Grodus told. "Sir Grodus... I..."

"In my most paranoid moments, I never thought my own computer would betray me. Well, it doesn't really matter in the end, I suppose... Especially since it ends here." "You monster! What are you planning to do with him?!?" Rhys yelled. "Gaaack ack ack ack! Only one thing to do with a malfunctioning computer! Cut the circuit and delete all the programs and data that caused the malfunction! Obviously, all data relating to Rhys Williams aka Razzbowski must go, as well... Yes, we must be absolutely sure nothing like this ever happens again..." "No... I am... I am normal... There is no malfunction..." TEC said, quietly. "Pipe down, TEC. X-Nauts, at the same time, press the red buttons on TEC's sides." "Got it, sir!" They press the buttons. "TEC! NO!" Rhys screamed.

"Mail...sent... Rhys Williams...I...l...o...v...e...y...o...u..." "Deletion complete." TEC turns off. "TEC!" Rhys cried. His heart drops. "Gaaack ack ack ack! Too bad, Razzbowski. TEC is no longer with us." "No! You monster! How could you?!" "Rhys, just stop it. This is no time to be worrying about a computer. We have some very important things for you to do now... Yes, VERY important..." Grodus told. "No!!!!!" Rhys sobbed. His only companion on the moon was now gone. What could Rhys do now?

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