Chapter 2: The Great Boggly Tree

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Lewis and his friends head back to Petalburg. "Koops, my lad... Are you telling me that you're going with Lewis?" Koops's dad asked. "Umm... That's right, Dad... I'm going to continue traveling with Lewis. And then I'm... Well... I'm going to come back a strong Koopa like you, Dad! "Nicely said, young Koops! THAT'S my boy! But always remember this: you are my son, Koops...and I am your father!" "Koops, my sweet... I'll be right here waiting...for you to prove yourself," Koopie-Koo told. "DIdn't we LITERALLY just defeat a dragon?" Will remarked. "Ahem... May I just add... If anything happens, you can always come home, Koops. Don't you ever forget that. This village will always be your home," Mayor Kroop told. "Okay! Thank you, everyone. Well, I'm off!" 

Koops walks over to the YouTubers. "Sorry to keep you waiting, Lewis. You know...farewells. Okay so, where are we going?" "Let's head back to Rogueport. Remember, Lewis? The bearer of the Magical Map shall unfurl it before the Thousand-Year Door. When this is done, the stars shall guide the bearer to the Crystal Star with pure light. And it didn't stop there... "Each Crystal Star shall point to the next..." That's what the books say. Which means...if we take the Crystal Star we found back to the Thousand-Year Door..." Goombella explained. "So...that means the location of the next Crystal Star will appear on that magic map?" Koops inquired. "Exactly! C'mon! Let's go!!" Goombella beamed.

As they go through the meadows, Lewis suddenly hears some music coming from his pockets. "Something wrong, Lewis? You' Are you feeling alright?" "Lewis is vibrating, oh my god-" Lewis takes out his phone. There's a message from Rhys! "Hey Lewis, it's Rhys. I am being held against my will in some strange place. They haven't hurt me though. The ones who have captured me seem to be after the map I sent to you earlier. They may be hoping to use it to find objects they call the "Crystal Stars". I do not know what they are planning, but I have a feeling it's not good at all. Lewis, please collect these Crystal Stars before they do. You must! They are already aware that you have the map, so please be very careful. Take care!" - Rhys (Razzbowski)

"So he's okay! That's good!" "We should have brought MatPat with us," 8-Bit-Ryan commented. "Knowing MatPat, he'll probably run over here as fast as possible." "We should probably upload this to YouTube." "Professor Frankly has a laptop in his office, we'll use that!" Lewis and the group continue to the Rogueport Sewers, then they go to the room where the Thousand-Year Door is. At the Thousand-Year Door room, Lewis steps on the pedestal in front of the door. 8-Bit-Ryan films it with his phone. "Umm... All right, Lewis! Hold up that Crystal Star!" Koops spoke. Lewis holds up the Crystal Star. The diagram on the floor reveals itself with one Crystal Star above it. Then, the location of the next Crystal Star gets recorded on the Magical Map. A cyan streak appears on 8-Bit-Ryan's hair. Ryan gasped. 

"Lewis, mate, look! 8-Bit-Ryan's hair has a streak of blue!" "Woah!!!" They go back to Rogueport. At Frankly's office..."Um... So, can you tell us where the next Crystal Star is or not?" "It's in the Boggly Woods. The second Crystal Star is inside a great tree there." Lewis uploads the first vlog to YouTube, and updates his social media, using Frankly's laptop, which has been provided. "A great tree in the Boggly Woods, huh?" Goombella asked. "About those woods... I think...some odd creatures live there. If memory serves, there's a pipe beneath town that leads to those woods." "Um... Professor Frankly... You should probably know... It's about Razzbowski... Mr. Lewis got a message from him. just recently. The guys who kidnapped him are also hunting Crystal Stars. Oh, and he said he doesn't even know where he's being held," Koops explained. 

"Uh-oh. If Razzbowski's kidnappers are also looking for the Crystal Stars... What could they hope to achieve? Could the treasure be... Ugh! Too many unknowns! Unfortunately, the only clues we can rely on are the Crystal Stars and that map." "I guess all we can do is head to Boggly Woods to find that next Crystal Star!" "Did we take any photos on the way here?" Will asked. "Of course! Let's upload them to our Instagrams," Ryan told. And so, they did that. Their fans were so excited to see them on this adventure. MatPat wanted to come as well. Though the fans were worried about Rhys, Lewis reassured them that Razzbowski was okay. "Yes, I recommend you do just that. And find it before the captors do! I'll keep researching to learn more about the Crystal Stars and the ancient treasure." Goombella decides to stay with Professor Frankly. 

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