Chapter 6: Three Days Of Excess

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Meanwhile, at Keelhaul Key... "You... You have distinguished yourself in battle, amigo! You are worthy in my eyes! You may use this ship, the Black Skull, anytime you like!" Cortez exclaimed. "Ah, many thanks to you! This ship can get us back to Rogueport in no time! Let us get away from this coconut pit and back home! Come, everybody!" Flavio announced. "Ahhh, I can't wait to get home... We've been looking forward to this for SO long!" "Returning home alive is all the treasure I need!" "For real! Now get this boat moving!" "Well, that is all there is to it, then, am I not correct? To sea, Captain Lewis!"  Flavio gets on the Black Skull. "Ahhhh, Lewis..." Lewis sees Francesca, Frankie, and Pa-Patch. " We're going to stay here. It's been tough at times, but I think we like this place! Yes... I think I can make a fine life here with my sweet Frankie." "Hey, Lewis. Give my regards to da boss, will ya?" Frankie said.

"Yeah, I'm gonna stay here. It's a right nice place to live wifout any ghosts, eh?" Pa-Patch told. "Okay, stay safe!" Lewis said. "Yes, very good. They'll be rather happy here, eh? Let's be on our way, hm?" They jump on the Black Skull. "Ready, amigos? Cast off!" Cortez announced. They sail away. "Month Day O. And thus our adventure came to an exciting end, ah? The ship sailed smoothly onto Rogueport, and soon we saw the harbor off our bow. I did not find treasure, but I am satisfied nonetheless, strange though it sounds. For I have found something even more precious doubloons. Yes... Even now, I hear the crew readying to dock. The time is ripe to close this journal. To all who wander the seas... Flavio's blessing upon you!"

They return to Rougeport Harbor. "At last we return, slathered in glory, to my hometown: sweet Rogueport! Of course, it is only because of my courageous efforts that we return at all, ah? But, of course, you all know that, and know it well..." Flavio remarked. "Yes, yes, Master Flavio. But now, please excuse us. Perhaps chance will bring us all together again someday." The Toads run off. "Wh-What? Hey! Where are... Y-You're all leaving already? Ah... That was harsh. Such is life, Captain Lewis. One day you may surpass the great and fabulous Flavio in greatness and fabulousness. It is not likely, I assure you, but you should, how you say, shoot for the stars, ah? If ever you should reach the pinnacle, remember to shout "FLAVIO" to the wind!" Lewis chuckled. 

"Of course, Flavio. You are a great leader," Ryan spoke. "Even though you didn't do much.." 8-Bit-Ryan remarked. Will punches 8-Bit-Ryan's arm. "Hey!" "That reminds me, amigo... If you ever get the urge to return to Keelhaul Key, just say the word, Okay? I will send you to the island faster than the fastest winds blow, comprende?" Cortez told. "Yes, yes, you giant skull, you. Your time in the spotlight is done. Get over yourself. AHEM! Well, my adoring fans have gone, so I will be excusing myself now, as well. If you see me in town, I would permit you to say hello to me. May we meet again, ah?" Flavio runs off.

"Well, well, well, old boy... I should think we'd head for that door at this point." As Lewis and his friends proceed, he gets a message from Rhys. "On your toes, old bean!" Bobbery exclaimed. Lewis jumped. "Hey, I have good news! I don't know where I'm being held, but there's an odd computer called TEC here. By cooperating with this TEC, I've managed to obtain some of these fiends' data. TEC is currently analyzing it... and as strange as it may sound, I trust him. Once his analysis is done, I should be able to provide you with details of their plans. I'll message you again once I learn more. Be good, okay?" - Rhys 

They go to the Rogueport Sewers. In the Thousand-Year Door room, Lewis holds up the fifth Crystal Star. Lewis's face had small purple cracks that started forming from his eyes. The location of the next one gets recorded on the Magical Map. At Frankly's office... "Great news, my friends! The next Crystal Star is in Poshley Heights!" Professor Frankly said. The YouTubers chat about if they should film the next Crystal Star. "Wait a tick! I've heard tell that only the rich and famous call that place home..." "Yes, yes, and I'm fairly sure there's also a shrine to the stars called Poshley Sanctum. No fearsome monsters or dangerous dungeons, either! It's just a tourist attraction!"

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