Chapter 7: Lewis Shoots The Moon

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Meanwhile, Lewis and the others arrive back at Rogueport. As they proceed, Lewis gets a message. "Lewis, I now know where I'm being held. I'm on the moon. Yes. The moon that floats out in space. And I've learned something even more horrifying. In order to resurrect the monster's spirit, they need your..." - Rhys "Rhys is on the moon?!" The YouTubers couldn't believe it. One of their friends was stuck on the moon, and Lewis was being used to resurrect a demon's spirit. But why? They didn't know the answer. They go back to the Rogueport Sewers. At the area with the Thousand-Year Door, Lewis holds up the sixth Crystal Star. The location of the final one gets recorded on the Magical Map. "Eh? What's this balderdash? Tell me, old boy, does that say the last Crystal Star is... No. Seems awfully unlikely..." Bobbery told. "The moon... So we have to find Rhys... And get the heck out of here," Will said. 

At Professor Frankly's Office... "Hrmm... If what this map indicates is true, the location of the final Crystal Star is...The moon." "The moon?!? Great gobbledy! Rhys is there as well! ...This seems a" "Hrmmm... The problem how does one get to the moon? Quite a conundrum. Give me a moment to look into this. Excuse me, please. This shouldn't take long." Lewis starts recording. "You must go to Fahr Outpost. And you must use the cannon there. And it will blast you." "So we're to use a cannon to reach the moon, are we? Sounds capital!" Bobbery remarked. "I know how it sounds, really. To be honest, I'm not entirely sure of all the details... Accounts from Fahr Outpost speak of a device that can launch anything, anywhere. Even to the moon! I believe there's a pipe to Fahr Outpost somewhere beneath Rogueport... But I'm not sure of the exact location. Yes, I believe it was hidden for some reason.  Oh, yes... One more thing you should be aware of... The Bob-ombs who live there are...sort of a surly bunch. They may not let you use their cannon. You may have to negotiate with them. In any case, that's your problem! Good luck! Get that last Crystal Star!" Professor Frankly explained.

The YouTubers go to the western side of Rogueport, then they enter the sewers from there. Inside, Lewis finds a gray block and breaks it with his hammer. This leads to a room with a blue pipe, which takes them to the Fahr Outskirts. They make their way through the snowy outskirts, then they reach the outpost. "Harumph! Fahr Outpost, eh? Well, where's this marvelous moon cannon, hm? Let's begin by speaking with some of the locals, eh?" Will shivers. "It's so cold here..." "I know right..." "Come on guys, we've made it this far. There's no going back now," Lewis told.  They walk around the village and find the mayor. "Da... What business do you have here?" The mayor asked. "We're looking for a cannon," Lewis replied. "What? A cannon? ...No such thing is here." "Now, listen here... You're the mayor, hmm? How can an official like you lie that way? Old boy, I KNOW I saw a cannon the last time I was here, so do not lie, sir!" Bobbery remarked. 

"SHUSH! You call yourself a Bob-omb? I spit at you! You know rules! There is to be NO mention of cannon to non-Bob-ombs! NO mention! We must not allow it to be used for evil..." The mayor commented. "Of course I know all that, you great blowhard. But we must use that cannon to get to the moon, old boy. And if we don't, sir...the world could end!" "Mmmm... Hawwwwwwww... World could end... Ummm... Well, we cannot have that, now... Still... You cannot use cannon right now because of certain...circumstances." Will crosses his arms. "Circumstances?" "We must have permission of Goldbob to use cannon. He is the one who started whole blasting-things-to-faraway-places policy... Once he got rich, he let business slide and does not start it up again... Also... General White was the one who devoted himself to operation of cannon... But he was so depressed by losing of job that he took cannon key and left," The mayor explained.

"Goldbob and General White?" "Da, that is correct. If you want to use cannon, you must find Goldbob and General White." "Very well, then... We can't give up now, old boy! Lewis, let's go find those two!" "Well, once you find them, come back and talk to me. They go to the end of the village and enter General White's house. Inside, General White is lying on the bed sleeping. "How should we wake him up?" Ryan asked. Will took out his phone, opened up the YouTube app, and played a Dawko screaming compilation. This wakes General White up. "Now, who are you? I am tired... I do not need your attention... I just want to sleep, as it is all hopeless..." General White mumbled. "General White, please! We need you!" Lewis spoke. "Hut? That...voice...Hut-hut! I have been looking everywhere for you!" General White replied.

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