Park Panic || Jonathan x Dio x Reader || part two, besties

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this is part two to Park Panic; if you haven't read part one, or just forgot it like I did (no worries), just read it over. 

without further ado, let's just get straight in it :))


Who: Jonathan x Dio x Reader

Storyline: It's a hot day in Britain, and you, Jonathan, and Dio plan on enjoying a picnic together..

enjoy, simps :)


You laugh, drying yourself off. It's been a wild ride; Jonathan and Dio had a water fight, and you were the prize. Jonathan lost though, soaked in cold water. His teeth were chattering, and you offered him your towel. "T-Thanks, Y/N. T-That's s-so nice of y-you." He giggles, his teeth still chattering, and his body shaking.

"No problem! You need it more than I do, haha~" You giggle some more, snorting a bit. "It's cute when you do that, you know." Jonathan looks at you, blushing. You blush too, looking down at the ground. Dio turns off the sprinkler, stretching. You blush, staring at him. You told yourself not to look too much at him when he doesn't have a shirt on. It's hard as heck.

"See something you like, Y/N?" Dio winks, and you consider passing out. You cover your face with your towel and whisper to yourself under it. "Why the actual heck would I do that?" You ask yourself, shaking your head. "I'm so embarrassed now that I did that; I told myself I wouldn't do it." You say, sighing.

"Dio, that was inappropriate." Jonathan says, a hard edge to his voice. "What? It was only a joke, Jonathan. Lighten up." He bites back, scoffing as he walks past you. You take the towel off your head, looking at Jonathan. "What's that all about?" You ask him, touching his arm lightly. "Nothing, Y/N." Jonathan sighs. "Okay..." You say, and walk over to the picnic blanket.

Something's wrong; and you know it. Jonathan and Dio have been clashing like this ever since you arrived at the Joestar Manor. Is it something I said?  You think to yourself, and take a sip of lemonade. Dio sits on the blanket across from you, grumbling to himself. "Everything okay, Dio?" You ask, placing your hand on his. He stares at you with those golden eyes, and everything you were thinking about disappears. 

"I'm fine." Dio rolls his eyes, and takes a bite of an apple slice. "What--oh, yeah." You say quickly, blinking rapidly. "What's wrong, Y/N?" Dio asks, staring at you again. "Nothing....I--I just keep getting lost in your eyes, that's all. I meant--" Your eyes grow wide, realizing what you just said. Dio's eyes grow wide for just a second, but he laughs to himself and winks at you.

You giggle, and blush. Jonathan walks over to the blanket in a new pair of shorts and a shirt. He looks absolutely adorable in that outfit, you think to yourself. "Jonathan, you look absolutely adorable in that button-up shirt." You giggle, and poke his nose lightly. "W-Well, thank you." Jonathan laughs, blushing. Dio glares at Jonathan, snarling under his breath. 

"Yesterday night, I made cookies!" You say quickly, pulling out the pan of peanut butter cookies you made. "Oooh, peanut butter? My favorite!" Jonathan says, reaching for the cookies, but Dio slaps his hand, and he draws back. "You didn't say thank you, you idiot." Dio says condescendingly. "I was going to!" Jonathan yells, pointing in Dio's face. Dio looks hurt, and you look at Jonathan. 

"Okay. That's it. What is going on?" You stand up, looking at Jonathan and Dio. "You tell her first." Dio bites. "No, you can. You were the one who was so desperate." Jonathan yells. "Just. Tell. Me." You say, tears welling up in your eyes. Jonathan and Dio stare at you, and then each other, and then you again. "Oh....we're so sorry." Jonathan stands up, and hugs you.

"We didn't mean to hurt you, we promise." Dio sighs, hugging you too. "What-What's been going on between you two? Ever since I got here, you've been at each other's throats. I the problem?" Your voice wavers, and a tear drips down your cheek.

"No! You could never be the problem!" Jonathan says, blushing.. "You're not the problem, Y/N." Dio sighs. "It's--Well, we both have something to tell you." Jonathan says, taking a deep breath. You wipe your eyes, staring at them both. They look at each other, a fight between their stares. You cough, just to remind them you're here, and they both sigh.

"I love you, Y/N!" Jonathan yells, closing his eyes. "You're so cute, friendly, caring, smart, and funny! You take care of me, even when I should be the one taking care of you! You cheer me up everyday, and I love you for it!" He says, blushing. Your eyes widen, and you blush a deep red. Dio scoffs, and grabs your hands.

"I, Dio Brando, confess my love to you, Y/N L/N." Dio says regally, and you blush even harder. "You are beautiful, smart, caring, and you mean the absolute world to me. I can't live without you, Y/N, and I want you to know that." Dio kisses your hand, his soft lips touching your skin. You gasp, the feeling unexplainable.

"Y-You both love me?" You stammer, stepping back. "We do." Jonathan and Dio say in unison, and you blush. "I--I love you both as well." You smile, and hug them both tightly. Jonathan and Dio kiss your cheeks, and you giggle. You grab their hands, and stare at the sky, their eyes on you. Happy endings aren't so hard to receive, are they?

I don't even like Dio (for what he did to my darling boi Jonathan), but he and his personality was actually really fun for me to write (Jonathan came easy to me though: I love him); I needed more practice on writing two characters x reader, anyway.

thanks for reading it besties; I love you, appreciate you, and adore you :)

if you haven't already, drink some water, eat a good meal, and get some rest✨❤

Arrivederci, my loves~


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