"i'm not ignoring you." || vento aureo!jotaro x reader || kinda angsty

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hii! i wanted to say thank you for 1.7k reads and all of the saves/comments! i really enjoy reacting to you guys, and i thank you for all of the support! cheers to you all! i'm also really sorry for all of the dark stories lately! the next one is going to be a light-hearted Josuke one, so stay tuned for that! love you all, and enjoy the story! ---- Arii🤗

Good morning, honey." You whisper to Jotaro as you wrap your arms around his neck. Jotaro groans silently before turning to face you, his blue-green eyes slowly fluttering open. He stares at you for a decent second, his eyes studying yours, but closes his eyes again, and falls back into his sleep. Sighing, you slowly caress his chest, and lean into him, listening to his heartbeat.

He's been ignoring you for the past two weeks now.

Everytime you greet him with a smile in the morning, he either scoffs, grumbles a few curse words, or ignores you entirely. You thought it was just a part of his morning attitude he always got when you woke him up too early, but he started to get more and more annoyed by your actions, and at one point, just told you to knock it off. You decided you would make it up to him, and do something fun with him to apologize for how you've been bothering him so much lately.

"......Jotaro?" You ask again, and he growls under his breath before his eyes flutter open again. "What the hell do you want?" He asks in an monotonous voice, and you swallow awkwardly. "Well, I wanted to say good morning." You reply, and he sighs before sitting up slowly and clenching the bridge of his nose in anger. "I heard you the first time, goddamnit." He says, and you blush, sighing. "I'm sorry." You apologize, before Jotaro growls again and gets out of the bed, walking to his wardrobe.

"I made breakfast today! It's your favorite: pumpkin french toast and bacon. I also made you a cup of coffee." You smile, putting on his jacket. He stares at you, annoyance in his eyes, and takes the jacket off of you in a quick motion, leaving you cold and angry. "I'm skipping breakfast today." He replies emptily, and your eyes widen, staring at him as he walks to the bathroom.

Does he not like it? He skips from time to time, but he always lets me know when he doesn't have time to eat breakfast, you think to yourself, worried.

This all started ever since he started focusing on his work, marine biology, and searching for a boy named Haruno Shiobana, that had nothing to do with him, really. You always asked him how his work was going, and he wouldn't answer, saying that you don't need to get involved with it. Who in the world is this Haruno boy anyways? Jotaro Kujo was a serious man when it came to work he was supposed to be doing, and he didn't care who it was. If you were in the way, he'd let you know, and rudely too.

You stare at the countertop, the plate with the french toast drizzled in syrup and warm glass with coffee resting on the surface. Jotaro comes downstairs and grabs his briefcase and a few folders before grabbing his keys from the counter and leaving the house with a quick, quiet motion. You run to the window as fast as you can, and watch him as he starts his car and pulls out from the driveway.

He didn't even say goodbye. He doesn't always acknowledge you, but when he does, he pulls you into a quick hug and gives you a hushed "Goodbye." with his deep, rich voice, leaving you in a blushing mess. This time, he just left, not even stopping to say goodbye, or give you a quick hug. You tighten your robe tighter around yourself, and run to the bathroom, trying to hold yourself together.


The door opens, the sound of hard rain and rumbling thunder amplifying. You hear a few deep huffs as the door slams shut, and Jotaro walks in, wet and cold. Smiling, you run to the door and greet him, wrapping your arms around his waist. "Hello, baby!" You smile, but Jotaro does nothing, prying your arms from around his waist and sighing before placing his briefcase down on the counter and taking off his jacket. Standing there defeated and hurt, you run to him, smiling as you take his big hands in yours.

"I made dinner. Smoked salmon and salad, your favorite!" You cheer, hoping to get a reaction. Jotaro stands there in silence, and your eyes tear up.

"Jotaro." You say again, and he sighs. "Yare yare daze.....what the hell do you want, woman?" He questions roughly, and you stand there, shocked.

"Is something wrong? You've been acting different the past two to three weeks." You say, reaching for his face. He takes your hands and places them back by your sides, refusing to be touched, and you start to cry.

"See?! Why are you ignoring me!" You yell at him, and he sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I'm not ignoring you. I just don't have time anymore." He says monotonous, and you cry silently, staring at the ground.

"Time---Time anymore? What do you mean?" You stammer in confusion, and Jotaro grabs your hand, leading you to the living room and turning off the television.

Sighing, he grabs the box of tissues resting on your coffee table, and hands it to you.

"Can I have a decent explanation? You haven't communicated with me clearly!" You yell, voice still shrill.

"Look, you stupid bitch. I don't have time for this shit. I don't have time for your little "acts of kindness", or whatever; I have things to do, places to go, and people to see." Jotaro snaps, his blue-green eyes staring you down. Clenching the clump of tissues you used to wipe your tears, you bite your lip in frustration. You knew he'd be rude about this, but you still hate it when he raises his voice at you. "J-Jotaro." You sigh, and he groans again.

"Stop calling my name." He says coldly, and you nod, sniffling and wiping your eyes.

"I just need a break from all of this." He says, and your heart drops at the words. He wants to break up?

"Jotaro? You--You don't mean what I think you mean, right?" You ask, and he rolls his eyes.

"I meant what I said. I need a break from this relationship." Jotaro replies, his deep voice a lot more calm and quiet.

You start to cry again, and Jotaro just stares at you while you do so. Break up? Did you annoy Jotaro that much to get him to be away from you?

"I'm sorry." Jotaro sighs, and you sigh, wiping your eyes again and trying not to get up and run to your room.

"I'll be alright without you." You frown slightly, and Jotaro scoffs.

"Yare yare daze." He growls out of anger.

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