quick update :))

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we hit 500 freaking reads today, holy crap; anyways, thank you all so, so, so much for 500 reads?! that's insane! I really didn't think this get anywhere; I started this in Quarantine just for fun, but wow, I didn't expect it to grow so much. I'm not complaining either, I swear. I just wanted to say thank you all very much, and Kirby (my plush) and I send you our love, thanks, hugs, and kisses!

My birthday is tomorrow, so I won't be posting untill later this week, k?

I have a challenge for all of you, my wonderful readers: Share this with one friend of yours, and let me know if they liked it in the comments :D

Remember to eat, drink some water, get good rest, and have a wonderful, fantastic day tomorrow!~

Grazie e arrivederci!


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