Part 2

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A light beamed in Natasha's eyes as she started to gain consciousness. Her vision was still a bit blurry but she could make out the faint sound of a heart monitor and Nick talking to a doctor.

"Hey kid" Nick greeted as he turned around seeing the red heads eyes starting to flutter open

Natasha groaned as the light appeared to become brighter and the doctor excused himself to run some more test.

Natasha gave Nick a faint smile as her eyes were still trying to adjust to the light in the room "hi Nick. How are you" she asked weakly

Truth is Natasha knows how he is. She knows that Nick sees her as a daughter. She could only imagine the pain Nick's feeling right now and it's all because of her own stupidity.

"I should be asking you that" he replied with a sad smile on his face as he glanced at the heart monitor

"I'm okay" she replied lowly

Truth was she wasn't. She just tried to take her own life what was okay about that? Natasha didn't realize it at first, in that moment but she does have someone to live for and his name is Nick Fury.

"No your not tried to kill yourself" he said with anger and sadness mixed in his tone

"I'm sorry" she replied as she looked down at her hands that were folded on her lap

Nick didn't say anything he just went over to the red head and gave her a sad smile before pulling her into a comforting hug.
As they were hugging the door opened catching Natasha's attention, looking up her heart started to race as she saw her parents figure in the doorway. Natasha couldn't even begin to imagine what her punishment was going to be for this but right now she didn't even want to think about it.

"Oh, honey, we were worried sick" Melina said in a annoyingly sweet tone as she ran up to her daughter and hugged her kissing her temple

'And the acting begins' Natasha thought as she internally rolled her eyes in annoyance."I'm okay mom" she replied with a fake reassuring smile on her face

Which her and Nick both knew was a lie. But Natasha couldn't tell her mother that she wasn't, if she did she'd for sure get punished. Natasha knows better than to show her emotions in front of her parents.

"Can we have a moment alone" Melina asked Nick sweetly as she whipped the fake tears away

Nick's eyes darted between the parents and daughter before he nodded "I have someone to call" he said before leaving the room

Natasha knew who Nick was going to call and she also knew that he held out hope that they could help her.

After Nick left Alexi slapped his daughter across her face giving her a disapproving look as anger rose inside him.

"Alexi, not here. The cameras" Melina warned as her eyes darted up to where a camera sat propped up in the corner of the room and Alexi rolled his eyes

"Don't you ever do that again" he said in a threatening tone as he glared at his daughter

"And if I do" she challenged

"Oh, you won't have time to" he started

"What makes you so sure" she asked him curiously

Alexi smirked "because your going to the SSR"

"WHAT" Natasha yelled in disbelief

"S.S.R." he repeated sounding out each letter

"But I can't go there" she said as she crossed her arms over her chest in protest

"Yes you can and you will" he said with authority

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