Part 15

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Natasha stood in front of Marvel Mag HQ with her purse draped over her shoulder and a look of hesitance on her face.

She had been to Marvel Mag one other time, when she was younger and her mother had an interview with them. But now standing in front of the huge building she found herself dreading the interview she has ahead of herself.

Taking in a deep breath Natasha walked up the front steps and pulled open the glass pained door before walking into the building. The inside of the building was huge and beautiful, just like she remembered. The stark white tiles shined brightly and the high ceilings were adorned with grand chandeliers.

Walking over to the elevator Natasha pushed the up button and patiently waited for the doors to open. Hearing a ding she stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the fourth floor. The doors closed shortly after and she waited patiently before stepping out on to the fourth floor and walking up to the reception desk.

"How may I help you?" A woman with short black hair and grey eyes asked as she looked up at the blonde from her computer screen

Natasha put a friendly smile on her face as she said "I'm here for an interview, Natasha Romanoff."

The woman nodded before typing something on her computer and picking up her phone "Sir, Miss Romanoff is here to see you." She informed the person on the other end of the line "right away, Sir." She said before putting the phone back on the hook and looking up at the blonde "he'll see you now." She said as she pointed towards a large wooden door just across the hall

Natasha gave a curt nod before walking up to the door and knocking on it. Hearing a faint 'come in' she hesitantly opened the door and stepped into the office.

"Mrs. Rogers, it's nice to meet you." A man with short brunette hair and matching brown eyes said standing up from his seat and walking over to the blonde, holding out his hand for a handshake

Natasha shook the man's hand and smiled politely "you as well Mr. Hodge." She replied

"Please have a seat." He said as he motioned towards a chair on the opposite side of him

Natasha sat down in the chair, draping her purse over the back. She looked back at Hodge as she crossed her legs.

Hodge cleared his throat as he sat back down in his seat "should I call you Miss Romanoff or Mrs. Rogers?" He asked as he pulled a recorder out of his desk drawer and placed it on the desk between them

Natasha smiled "Natasha is just fine." She replied and he nodded

"So Natasha, you and Steve got married almost a month ago now. And everyone wants to know how you two met." He started as he fiddled with the pencil in his hand

"Steve and I actually have known each other since elementary school." She replied honestly

"Really?" He asked intrigued

Natasha nodded "yes, our families were actually buisness rivals, as you probably already know."

He nodded "So I've heard. It seems to me that you and Steve have a Romeo and Juliet kinda thing going on." He joked and Natasha chuckled drily, not to amused by the man's joke

"Yeah, I guess so." She replied

"So, was it love at first sight?" He asked after a while

Natasha chuckled as she shook her head "no, absolutely not." She replied in a tone that made the idea sound absurd


After the interview Natasha found herself walking down the bustling streets of New York City. She watched as the buses passed by and the cars honked at the slow drivers. It was so chaotic but yet, for some reason the blonde found peace in it all.

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