Part 10

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"Here we are, home sweet home." Steve said as parked in his driveway and he got out of the car opening the passenger side door for Natasha

Natasha stepped out of the car, her hand slipped into Steve's as she looked at the mansion in front of her in shock, the mansion was way to big for one person in her opinion.

The whole exterior of the house was stone with a wrap around white porch and large windows that gave you a good view into the house. The yard was big as well with a white picket fence closing them off from their neighbors.

'Why on earth would Steve want to live in a huge mansion like this when he's all by himself?' She wondered

"You live here?" She asked as she kept her eyes trained on the mansion in front of her

Steve smiled as he looked at his home "yes. What you don't like it?"

Natasha looked over at the blonde her eyebrows raised "it's lovely, I just didn't expect one person to want a house so big."

Steve smiled "well now your here so it won't be so lonely."

Natasha grabbed her bag from the backseat, it was a small duffle, just big enough to keep her stuff in, the same one she came home with. The rest of her stuff would be moved into the mansion while they are on their honeymoon.


As they walked inside Natasha's eyes widened in amazement as she looked up at the grand chandeliers and blue interior. The whole house was a mixture of different blues.

"This way." Steve said as he lead her up a staircase and down the hallway into thier room

Without even bothering to look around Natasha quickly ran into the bathroom, duffel bag in tow. Going over to the vanity mirror Natasha bent her arm behind her back and desperately tried to reach the zipper, she had been wearing this dress for a while now and she wanted nothing more than to get this it off as fast as possible. During her struggle to reach the zipper she tripped over her own to feet and landed on the cold white tile floor.

Hearing a bang Steve quickly walked into the bathroom and chuckled lightly as he saw the blonde on the floor struggling to take off her dress.

"Here let me help." he said as he helped up the blonde

"I can do it myself." She said

"Really because it looks like you could use some help." He said and Natasha rolled her eyes as she turned around

Steve's hand's grabbed the zipper and slowly pulled it down sending shivers down Natasha's back. With the dress unzipped it fell to the floor exposing the white lingerie she wore underneath. The lingerie wasn't her idea however it was her mother's. Melina's words still rung in her ears 'he's going to expect you to give a little.' she had said which Natasha simply rolled her eyes to in response.

"Well, um, I'll leave you to get dressed." He said as he tried to keep his eyes off the nearly naked body in front of him

Natasha turned to face the blonde and due to their close proximity her hands landed on his chest.

Natasha cleared her throat as she looked up into his baby blue eyes and muttered a quick "thank you." Before going over to the toilet and shuffling through her duffle bag that laid on the lid of it.

Steve quickly left the bathroom leaving Natasha to get dressed in peace.


Natasha came out of the bathroom some time later with her hair wrapped in a towel and her body covered by her nightgown.

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