Part 6

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Natasha was standing at the gate of the Shostakov mansion with a look of sadness on her face. As she looked at the mansion all she could do was remember all the terrible things that happened there. Taking a deep breath Natasha opened the gate and walked the long way up to the mansion. Knocking on the door she was greeted by the familiar face of their maid Daisy who had a warm smile on her face.

"Good to see you Miss. It's been a long time" she said

Natasha smiled at the maid that had practically raised her "you as well Daisy" she replied as she took a step inside

"Your parents await your arrival in the library" Daisy stated and Natasha nodded

"Thank you" she muttered and Daisy gave her a curt nod before she walked off to finish her cleaning

Natasha walked up the long staircase and down the long hallway that lead to the library. Once at the door Natasha placed a gentle knock.

"Come in" came the faint voice of her mother and with a deep breath Natasha turned the door knob and walked into the huge library

Natasha was shocked when she saw Joseph, Steve, Tony and Sarah inside talking with her parents. Natasha furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"Ah, come sit" Alexi said as he pulled out a chair for the blonde

Natasha looked at the chair in a unsure way before she reluctantly sat down. "What's all this about" she asked

"You mean you didn't tell her" Sarah questioned

Alexi shook his head "didn't have time to" he stated "we're here to plan the wedding" he announced happily as he looked at his daughter with a smile

"I-I thought the wedding was off" Natasha stuttered

"Oh, no dear" Sarah said as she placed a gentle hand on the blondes knee

"We understand that the news was hard for you. We don't blame you for your" Joseph cleared his throat "aggression" he added

"So, I was thinking" Melina started although Natasha heard none of it. She was to busy thinking about the future she would have. Would she still be able to do the things she wants to accomplish? Or will being a housewife be the only life she knows? Will Steve ever love her? More importantly will she ever love Steve? Hasn't she gone through enough hell in her lifetime?

This isn't the life Natasha wanted, it never was. It was life her parents wanted her to have. What Natasha wanted was simple. A good career, a husband who loves her and maybe, just maybe, a child of her own.

"Natasha are you listening" Melina asked snapping Natasha from her thoughts

"I-I'm sorry what" Natasha asked as she blinked a couple of times trying to get back to reality

Melina rolled her eyes "the napkins. White or cream?"

Natasha blinked a few times as she looked at the two napkins that looked practically the same in color "does it matter? I mean there going to get dirty anyway"

Melina gave her daughter a offended look while the men agreed with the blonde. "Of course it matters. It has to look just so for the magazine"

"Magazine?" Natasha questioned with furrowed eyebrows

Melina nodded "you're Miss world of course there's going to be magazines" she stated

"But the wedding isn't public" at least not to her knowledge

"Have you checked your phone" Melina asked

Natasha shook her head "I try to stay off of social-media as much as possible" she stated

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