Part 39

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The hotel was full of hustle and bustle, many people who had heard the great new took a moment to congratulate the red head on her win. She of course thanked them before making her way over to her friends who were waiting patiently in the dinning hall for them.

"Oh my god, Laura, look at you." Natasha gushed as the brunette turned to face her, her baby bump on full display

Laura smiled, caressing her protruding bump "I feel like a whale." She admitted

Natasha rolled her eyes "you look fantastic."

Cooper quickly reached for his aunt at the sight of her and Natasha quickly took him from his father. The little boy laid his head on her shoulder and began to play with the arrow necklace that was clasped around her neck.

Natasha smiled down at the little boy in her arms and couldn't help but imagine her future children. It was no secret at this point that her and Steve are trying, it just hasn't happened yet but Natasha isn't giving up hope. Her and Steve are gonna have a baby one day, she knows it.

Especially with how much sex they've been having.

"You did great Tasha." Clint complemented as the hostess lead them to a large rectangular table

Natasha smiled at the man who has been a saving grace to her in recent years "thank you."

Clint shrugged "only telling ya' the truth."

Taking their seats at the large table, the hostess quickly placed a stack of plates in the center of the table and informed them that they were free to go.

Clint and Steve of course had the fullest plates by the time they all made it back to the table, taking full advantage of the buffet. Laura also had a hefty plate but gave her husband a warning look not to go there.

Natasha on the other hand, stuck with a nice salad and some pasta, making sure to share some with her nephew.

Seeing this, her husband quickly dished some things on to her plate from his own, earning a glare from the red head. He simply gave her a innocent look in reply, as if he had no idea what he did.

Dinner went by smoothly, the group sharing laughs and talking about the baby to come. Laura wasn't oblivious however, she saw the hint of jealousy in her friends eyes and she didn't take offense to it. She knows how hard her and Steve have been trying and it makes her remember the days when her and Clint struggled to conceive.

The young couple lead the young family out to the parking lot where a Uber was waiting to pick them up. They shared hugs and Natasha peppered Cooper's cheeks with kisses, causing the little boy to giggle.

It wasn't till the red head got to Laura that she realized there was a conversation to be made yet.

Laura pulled her friend into her arms, hugging her tightly "it's gonna happen." She whispered reassuringly

Tears prickled the red heads eyes as they parted and she gave the brunette a unsure nod. "How'd you know?" She asked

Laura sighed, glancing over her shoulder at her husband who was holding their half asleep son. She looked back to her friend, a small smile on her lips "you can try all you want, Nat, but I know. You smiled when Clint and I talked about the new baby, but I could see the hint of jealousy in you're eyes."

Natasha shook her head in shame "Laura-" she began

Laura shook her head and waved her off "it's okay. You can't hide what you're feeling from those who know you best." She looked over at Steve who was trying to keep the little boy awake so he was sleep throughout the night "you and Steve are gonna be great parents one day." She looked back at Nat with a smile "and I can't wait to be there to see it."

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