Part 34

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Once she was fully dressed Natasha made her way downstairs and bid goodbye to Steve. With much struggle she might add. He still didn't want her to leave. He had even tried to bribe her with sex to make her stay.

But she eventually found the strength to leave and got into her luxurious black Corvette. Buckling her seatbelt she glanced out the passenger side view mirror and smiled sadly at the mansion 'you'll only be gone for a few hours, Natasha.' she told herself.

Starting the engine she sped off and went to May's house for her fitting. Upon walking inside she was greeted by Maria and her friend Wanda who smiled brightly at the blonde. Natasha quickly ran over to the pair giving them each a big hug and a matching smile.


"So, how are things going with Mr. Hottie, still going strong since the last time we talked?" Maria asked Natasha taking a sip of her wine

Natasha looked at Maria through the reflection in the mirror and shrugged "good. Like I told you, were trying to have a baby." She replied with a small smile lacing her lips

May looked up at Natasha from her spot on the floor and shook her head at the news as she went back to pinning the dress. May was one of the last people the blonde planned on telling, but here they were. Natasha knew that the brunette wouldn't be to fond of the idea, at least not at first but it would eventually grow on her.

Natasha hoped.

Wanda just looked at the blonde in shock, just finding the news out as well. Natasha had always said that being a mother scares her because she fears that she'll turn into her own mother. So to find out that the fear might have dissipated was both a huge relief and a shock to the fellow red head.

Natasha began to worry as the room grew eerily quiet. It intimidated her. The room was so quiet that you could hear a pen drop from a mile away. Looking through the reflection of the mirror she glanced over at her two friends one whom's mouth was a gape in shock and the other who was sipping her wine.

"Um, that's great, Nat." Wanda said eventually with a supportive smile lacing her lips

"Yeah it is." Maria agreed

"But is it what you want?" Wanda questioned further "I mean I know that becoming a mom has always been something that scared you, are you ready to take that leap?"

Natasha turned on the podium she stood on earning a frustrated groan from May. Natasha muttered a quick apology to her before looking at her two friends and fidgeting with her fingers nervously.

"Yes. I mean, I think so." She replied unsurely "I know that I want to have kids with Steve. I also know that the company is going to need an heir one day. So why not start trying now?" She explained with a shrug

"So you and Steve are happy?" She questioned

Natasha hummed "beyond happy. At least I think we are, unless Steve's lying and doesn't actually love me. But I think he does, I mean the way he treats me no one else has ever treated me that way." She began to blabber

Maria glanced over at Wanda before she got up from her seat and moved around May to give Natasha a hug "he loves you, I know he does." She told her in a whisper with a reassuring smile lacing her lips

Natasha raised her eyebrows as they parted "how do you know?" She questioned

Maria smiled "because I see the way he looks at you. He looks at you like you're the only person in the room. Like you're the only person in the world even."

Natasha smiled and May cleared her throat letting the two young women know that there was still work to be done. Maria quickly moved out of the way letting May continue with her work.

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