Part 14

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Natasha looked at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. Her black string bikini left little to the imagination as it showed off her heavy breast. Natasha turned, her eyes came across the familiar scar that went all the way across her back and she shivered as she remembered the day she got it.

It was a hot summer day, most kids would spend at the pool, with their friends or with their families. But for Natasha on the other hand she spent it in her ballet studio where she listened to Madame B intently.

"Do you understand?" the woman asked and Natasha nodded "speak up!" she shouted causing the red head to flinch

"Yes Madame B." she replied and Madame smirked

Natasha did understand the routine and she performed it perfectly, that was until her father barged into the room with a look of anger and disappointment on his face.

Alexi walked up to his daughter and dragged her by her arm out of the dance studio without a single word to Madame.

"Father?" She questioned with furrowed eyebrows as she saw him leading her into his home office

Entering the office Alexi threw the red head on to one of the chairs angrily before he walked over to a wall that displayed all different kinds of devices used for torturing.

Natasha had been in this room plenty of times, she never liked the outcome.

"Your mother tells me you have a crush." he started as his eyes glanced around the wall trying to find the perfect device

"I-I don't know what your talking about." Natasha admitted as she looked down at her hands

Alexi turned swiftly glaring at his daughter "are you calling your mother a liar?" He questioned his tone cold and daring

"No, no, of course not." she replied as her eyes met his before they landed back on her hands

Alexi turned back to the wall and glancing over his shoulder he asked "who is he?"

"Just a boy from school." she replied lowly

Alexei didn't like that answer. Turning around he slammed his hands on to his desk causing the red head to flinch in fright.

"Who is he?" he shouted angrily

"Rogers." she muttered "Steve Rogers." she said a little bit louder as she met the piercing gaze of her father

Call her stupid if you want, but Natasha Romanoff had a crush on bad boy Steve Rogers. It was wired to her, after all the years of him and his brother bullying her, she somehow found herself captivated by him. She didn't know how to explain it, she just saw something in him that no one else did.

Alexei smirked as he walked up to his wall pulling down the whip "the competitions son." he scoffed "and here I thought you were starting to listen to me." he added in a dangerously low tone that made Natasha shiver. Alexei turned swiftly meeting his daughters worried eyes "well, I guess I'll just have to teach you a lesson then."

Natasha swallowed hard as she looked at the whip in her father's hands. Fear bubbled up in her stomach and she felt as if she was going to puke.

Alexei pulled Natasha up by her arm and made her face the wall as he took the whip and hit her across her back splitting the fabric of the leotard she wore in two. Blood dripped from the wound and down to the pristine white carpet, staining it with the memory of that horrid day.

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