Part 24

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"Where do you want to go?" Steve asked as they hopped into the car and he shut the door

Natasha shrugged "surprise me, I'm not picky."

Steve raised his eyebrows "you sure, because once we're there there's no going back." he joked and Natasha chuckled

"Yes, I'm sure, now go, I'm starving." She said and Steve chuckled as he started the engine and pulled out of his parking spot

"So where are we going?" Natasha asked after a while

"Somewhere fancy." He replied


Steve nodded "yeah, you said to surprise you."

"I did didn't I?" She teased "well, what's the name of this fancy place?"

"Oh, your going to love it, it's called Wendy's." He joked and as if on perfect timing the pair pulled into the Wendy's parking lot

Natasha's eyes widened and she looked at the blond who had a smile on his lips "Wendy's?"

Steve nodded "do you not like Wendy's?"

Natasha shrugged "never been here to find out." She shrugged shocking the blond

"You've never been to Wendy's?"

Natasha shook her head

Steve scoffed "okay, chocolate shakes and bacanator fries are happening." He said as he pulled into the drivethru line

Natasha furrowed her eyebrows "bacanator fries?"

"You'll love them." He said


"So, what do you think?" Steve asked as Natasha took a bite of the fries 

Natasha savored the flavor of the cheese and bacon covered fries before saying "they taste better than they look."

Steve chuckled "that they do." He agreed as he took one of the fries "I still can't believe you've never been here though." He said after a moment

Natasha sighed "well, my mom always wanted me to watch my figure, kinda hard to do that if your going to drivethrus." She shrugged

Steve sighed "has you're mom always been that way?"

"What way?" She asked as she looked over at him

Steve sighed again "always on you about your weight."

Natasha waved it off "yes and I've come to get used to it."


"It's fine." She interrupted "back then my weight always used to bother me but now I've gotten to a place where it doesn't, not as much at least."

Steve nodded "good."

The pair continued to eat their meals and make small talk. and once they were done they made their way back home.


Upon arriving home Steve and Natasha walked up to their room where they took separate showers and got dressed into their sleepwear, which for Steve only consisted of his boxers.

As they laid in bed Steve wrapped his arms around Natasha's waist and he laid his head on her chest.

"Steve." She called in a whisper as her fingers combed through his golden locks

Steve hummed as his eyes were still closed and his face was laid on her chest.

"What do you think about kids?" She asked

Steve furrowed his eyebrows as his eyes fluttered opened and he looked at the blonde.

"I love kids and I definitely want some one day." He replied honestly with a shrug "why?" He questioned with a cocked eyebrow

Natasha simply shrugged "I was talking to Jane earlier and it got me thinking about how much we haven't talked about. I mean we're married and we don't even know each other's favorite color." She replied

Steve turned fully to the blonde looking into her emerald green eyes "green." He said and Natasha furrowed her eyebrows "green, it's my favorite color."

Natasha sighed as she plopped her hands down on the mattress "Steve, I'm serious."

Steve smirked "okay Mrs. Rogers, what do you think about kids?"

Natasha smiled "I love kids, I think their great but I also think that now isn't the right time to have any."

Steve nodded "understandable, I mean after all we're only 22. But I do think it would be cute to have a couple of baby Rogers running around."

Natasha cocked an eyebrow "a couple, more than one?"

Steve nodded "I would like for our children to have siblings. But if you don't want more than one-" he began to blaber and Natasha chuckled lightly

"I think more than ones a great idea. They'll always have someone to play with." She agreed and Steve smiled

Steve leaned forward placing a gentle kiss to her lips that Natasha greatly accepted. As they pulled apart Natasha smiled and ran her thumb over his newly formed stubble.

"I need to shave, I know." He said as he pulled her hand away from his chin and put it to her side

Natasha smirked "I think you'd look hot as hell with a beard."

"Oh yeah?"

Natasha nodded

Steve smirked as he flipped them over and straddled the blonde. Natasha let out a squeal of surprise as she looked up at her husband, Steve leaned down placing a gentle kiss on her lips before trailing down and kissing her neck, beginning to suck on it. Natasha's breath hitched in her throat as she arched her back, leaning into his touch. Steve smirked against the skin of her neck before bitting it gently.

Before things could go any farther than they already have Natasha pushed the blond away and he looked down at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"What's wrong?" He asked

"I'm sorry." She began as tears brimmed her eyes, Natasha shook her head "I, um, I'm just not ready." She said and Steve nodded

"That's okay, we don't have to." He said taking her hand and pulled it up to his lips kissing it gently

"We don't?" She questioned having never heard such a response, normally when she says no the guy would always persuade her into saying yes

Steve shook his head "no we don't." He replied as he got off of her and laid down beside her "I would like cuddles though." He added as he opened his arms and Natasha chuckled as she cozied up to him and Steve enveloped her in his arms.

Steve bent down and placed a gentle kiss to the top of Natasha's head and she smiled contently as she buried her face into his chest.

Natasha had to admit that even though her father has done some pretty horrible things to her in the past, setting her up with Steve wasn't one of them.


Meant to post this sooner, sorry for the wait.

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