Part 8

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After Natasha got news of her engagement she was quick to tell Maria. Who even though was on a vacation with her boyfriend told Natasha that she was catching the first flight back to New York. So at 6 a.m. Natasha found herself standing outside the airport with Cooper in tow.

"There she is" Maria told her boyfriend as she pointed out the blonde and quickly ran up to her "oh my God. Your hair" she exclaimed with a smile as she hugged the blonde

Natasha chuckled "watch Cooper" she warned

Maria quickly pulled away and waved at the baby "oh, he's so cute. Good thing he didn't get Clint's looks" she joked and the two women chuckled

Sam cleared his throat and Maria turned to him with a smile "Natasha, this is my boyfriend Sam. Sam this is my best friend Natasha and my nephew Cooper" she introduced

Sam smiled at the blonde and shook her hand "so your the one getting married"

Natasha nodded in confirmation

"Congratulations" he said

Natasha gave a small smile "thank you"

"So where is your grom? And when do I get to meet him?" Maria asked as they all hopped into the car and buckled their seat belts

Natasha sighed as she started the engine "you'll meet him at the photo shoot, if you want to come" she replied as she started the engine

"Photo shoot"

Natasha nodded

"That sounds exciting. Sam you should come too" Maria said as she turned to her boyfriend who had a awkward smile on his face

Sam nodded "sounds cool"

Maria smiled

Sam cleared his throat "so, uh, what does he do"

"He's the CEO of Rogers Corp. One of the biggest companies in the world. His brother is Tony Stark, I'm sure your familiar with him" Natasha replied

Sam nodded "yeah. Met the guy a couple times. So high up on his own horse. Can't seem to look at you unless you have money" he said with a roll of his eyes as he thought of the brunette

Natasha chuckled "that's Tony stark for you"

"Wait, wait, wait. YOUR MARRYING STEVE FUCKING ROGERS" Maria exclaimed in horror as Sam covered his ears and Natasha chuckled

She remembered how bad Steve treat Natasha in highschool. Him and his brother. So hearing that the two are going to be getting married is a huge shocker to the brunette.

Natasha nodded "yep" she replied popping the p

"Have you gone mad" Maria questioned as she leaned back in her seat and folded her arms over her chest

"I don't see the problem. From what I've heard Steve Rogers is a nice guy who's always on the right side of publicity" Sam stated

Maria huffed "yeah. He also bullied Natasha all through elementary and middle school"

"Really" Sam asked in shock and the two women nodded "wow. I didn't peg him as that type of guy" he stated

"We're here" Natasha said as she pulled into the Barton's driveway

"So, you done wedding planning" Maria asked curiously as she got out of the car and grabbed her bags

Natasha shrugged "pretty much. My mom's practically planning it all to the very t. In her words 'everything must be just so'" she said imitating her mother with a roll of her eyes as she got Cooper out of his car seat and Maria chuckled."Speaking of wedding planning, I need you to watch Cooper tomorrow while I go over to Stark Tower to finish wedding planning" Natasha said as they pulled into the Barton's driveway

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