Part 17

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It was a bright sunny day in Brooklyn New York, Steve sat patiently in the small Howling diner with a glass of water in his hand and a content look on his face.

Despite his cool facade however Steve was eager to see Natasha's friend and get some answers to his many unanswered questions. Every time the bell to the diner rang, signaling someone's entry, Steve would look up to see if it was the archer but in vain.

Letting out a huff Steve took out his phone and looked at the time '7:50' it read.

The bell rang once again and when Steve looked up he saw the man he had been waiting for.

Clint scanned the diner and hurried over to where the blond was sitting, taking a seat across from him and folding his hands over the table he looked at Steve worriedly.

"How's Nat?" He asked

Of course it would be the first thing out of the archer's mouth. Natasha is his best friend, his sister and after the video that was leaked yesterday he was worried sick about her. He only became more worried after Steve called him wanting to talk.

Steve sighed "she could be better." He replied and Clint cocked an eyebrow

"Is she okay?" He asked again

Steve shook his head "she, um, she cut herself last night. I saw the cuts on her wrist, at first she lied to me and said that she fell but Natasha's not a very clumsy person so I knew it was a lie." He explained

Clint shook his head "damnit!" He muttered frustratedly "she told me she stopped." He added as he ran a hand over his face

Steve furrowed his eyebrows "so you knew, this has happened more than once?"

Clint nodded "yeah, she started cutting herself in middle school-"

"Middle school?" Steve questioned and Clint nodded in confirmation

"Yeah, to cope, I guess." He shook his head

Steve furrowed his eyebrows in question but before he could question the archers statement he continued.

"When she moved to Russia she put herself in therapy, she got better. I guess the tape was just to much for her." He explained

"About the tape, do you know who leaked it?" Steve asked folding his hands over the table and looking at the archer with an inquisitive look

Clint sighed, he knew that Steve would have more questions after he told him what he knew. But he also knew that Steve needed to know so he could help Natasha. After all Steve was with her every day and Clint was only there when he could be.

"One of two people." He replied shortly before taking a sip of water and glancing out the window beside him, watching as people passed by the small diner

Steve cocked an eyebrow "and who are those two people?" He questioned

Clint sighed again as he turned back to the blond "look, if you really want to know you should ask Nat!" He almost shouted causing people in the diner to look at him

Clearing his throat he picked up his glass of water and took a sip "She was never really open about her past relationships. All I know is that there's only two people that have that tape." He added in a softer tone

"That is before Marvel Mag got a hold of it." Steve added and Clint nodded in conformation

Steve thanked the archer before paying the bill and leaving the waitress a tip.


"I guess I'll see you around, Barton." He said as they left the diner and he shoved his wallet back into his pocket

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