Part 19

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Bright and early the next morning, Steve and Natasha set out to the airport where Steve's family was waiting for them.

Getting out of the driver's seat, Steve walked over to the passenger side and opening the door he helped Natasha out. The blonde gave him an appreciative smile as she stepped out of the car.

Natasha let out a sigh as she looked at the huge airport, it seemed like not to long ago her and Steve where there to go to Hawaii for their honeymoon.

Steve looked over at the blonde holding out his hand for her to take, which she did without question. Steve smiled lightly as he intertwined their fingers and together they set off towards the airport.

As they walked into the luxurious airport, Sarah smiled at them as they came into view.

"Mom." Steve greeted as he walked up to his family and gave his mother a tight hug

"Ah, I'm so glad you two were able to make it, even if it did take me a whole hour to get you to agree to it." She joked as she pulled away from the embrace

Sarah looked over her son's shoulder to his wife who stood awkwardly behind him.

Natasha felt as if she had intruded on a personal moment and she didn't want to overstep, since she was still new to the family after all.

"Natasha, it's so good to see you again." Sarah said walking up to the blonde and giving her a hug

Natasha smiled at her "You as well Mrs. Star-" she began as she pulled away from the hug

Sarah gave the blonde a pointed look and Natasha quickly cleared her throat

"Sarah." She corrected herself

Sarah smiled and gave an approving nod

"Now that that's all settled, can we go now?" Howard asked a bit impatiently as he stood by his wife and looked at the watch on his wrist

Sarah rolled her eyes at her husband's actions before nodding "yes, we can go now, everyone's accounted for."

"Thank God, what took you two so long, doing a lot of fondueing or something?" Howard joked with a wink

Steve's mouth gaped in shock while Natasha furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and Sarah slapped her husbands arm in disapproval.

"Ow" he said as he rubbed his shoulder "I'm just saying they took their sweet ass time getting here, they must've done something along the way." He defended as he grabbed his wife's hand and they walked together towards a huge blue door

"Fondueing?" Natasha questioned as she turned to her husband

Steve sighed "he's never going to let that one go." He muttered

"I'm afraid not Steve'o." Tony said as he passed his brother patting his back

Natasha found herself becoming awe struck as they walked through the blue door. Standing in front of her was a huge white plane, similar to the one Steve owns. Natasha looked over at her husband who had a look of indifference on his face as they approached the plane.

"You're mom owns a private plane too?" She asked Steve as she clung on to his arm and continued to look at the plane in awe

Steve looked down at her hand wrapped tightly around his arm and Natasha quickly withdrew it.

"Um, yeah, we all do." He replied like it was the most normal thing in the world

"Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Stark." A man with short salt and pepper colored hair greeted as they walked up to the plane

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