Part 27

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Steve was completely speechless as he walked up the steps back to his room. The news he had just gotten he had a hard time wrapping his head around and as he neared closer to his room he wondered what Natasha's reaction would be.

Walking into the room he found Natasha eagerly waiting for him on the bed, her legs folded underneath her and a book in her hands. He smiled at the sight of her and with just one look at the blonde all of his worries went away.

Walking over to the bed Steve hopped in beside her and took her into his embrace. Natasha smiled fondly as she looked up at him, putting her book on her nightstand then laying her head on his chest.

"Want to watch a movie?" She asked as she grabbed the remote and glanced up at him

Steve nodded with a small smile as he leaned down and pecked her lips, pulling away he muttered against her lips "of course."

Natasha smiled as she turned on the TV and laid her head back down.

After a while of contemplation the couple had decided to watch 'Home Alone' and settled under the covers. Steve smiled warmly as he watched Natasha's face light up with pure amusement as Kevin pulled pranks on the two robbers.

But his smile faltered slightly as he remembered the phone call he had just moments ago.

'She must've been lying, there's no way in hell-' his thoughts were cut short when Natasha looked up at him with a frown

"What's wrong?" She asked, her hands cupping his cheeks and a look of pure concern in her emerald green eyes

Steve gave her a small, tight lipped smile and shook his head "everything's fine, I'm just thinking."

Natasha didn't fully believe his story but she knew that Steve would tell her when he was ready. So giving a slight nod she laid her head back on his chest and continued to watch the movie.


The movie was long over, Natasha was sound asleep with her head tucked in the crook of Steve's neck, his arms wrapped tightly around her waist.

Steve on the other hand couldn't seem to get to sleep, to caught up in the news he received earlier. Getting up from the bed he slid on his sweatpants and walked over to his suitcase taking out the small sketch book he had brought.

Steve took a seat on the window sill and faced Natasha, grabbing his pencil he began to do a rough sketch of her silhouette.

He couldn't help but admire how beautiful she looked when she was all curled up in the covers. A small smile grew on his face as her nose twitched in her sleep and he chuckled lightly as he shook his head.

Natasha woke up a little while later finding the spot next to her empty and looking around she found Steve on the window sill, his eyes glued to the brown sketch book in his hands.

Natasha furrowed her eyebrows in curiosity as she got up from her spot and walked up to him slowly.

"What are you doing?" She asked softly putting a gentle hand on his shoulder and startling Steve slightly

Steve looked up at her, a small smile on his lips "just drawling." He shrugged and she smiled

"Can I watch?"

Steve nodded as he opened his arms and made room for her to sit in between his legs. Natasha sat down, the back of her head laying against his broad chest as she looked at the sketch he was working on.

"Is that me?" She asked after a moment her eyes scanning the sketch that looked like it was done by a professional

There wasn't a single detail missing from the sketch, Steve had masterfully captured her in every way possible. From the small scar she had on her cheek to the dimples she had when she smiled.

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