Part 12

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Natasha stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her half bare body played games with her confidence as he scars showed. Natasha sighed as she took off the bikini and put on the one piece she had packed into her bag. Natasha was thankful that Maria convinced her to bring the one piece because Maria knows how self-conscious the blonde is.

With her body now mostly covered by the one piece Natasha grabbed her sun hat, sunglasses and sunblock before she headed outside to the pool where Steve was waiting for her.

"Okay, ready to learn how to swim?" he asked with a smile as he clasped his hands together

Natasha looked over at the pool before she turned her focus back to her husband and nodded.

"Just...can you put the sunblock on my back?" she asked hesitantly as she held up the tube the cream came in

Steve nodded and taking the tube from her he turned her around and began applying it to her back. Once he was done he handed the tube back to her and she put it on the beach chair.

"First step, get in the water." he smiled as he held out his hand for her

Natasha rolled her eyes as she slid her hand into his. Steve walked her over to the pool side and stepped on the first step. When Natasha didn't step down with him he looked up at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"You okay?" he asked concerned as he saw the fear on her face

Natasha nodded slowly before she put her feet on the first step.

Steve smiled "two more, then the real fun begins." he said before taking another step with Natasha following behind hesitantly

With each step Steve took Natasha followed behind him hesitantly until they finnaly reached the actual water. Steve made a move to let go of her hand but Natasha hastily grabbed onto his arm so he wouldn't go. Steve looked over at the blonde confused.

"What if I drown?" she asked in fear as she looked down at the water she's standing in

Steve chuckled lightly "it's 4ft deep, your short but not that short." he stated and with that Natasha let go of the grip she had around his arm

"Where are you going?" she asked as he turned around

Steve turned to face the blonde again and gave her a reassuring look "I'm not going anywhere." he replied "now wrap your arms around my neck." he instructed and she did as told.

After a while Natasha got the hang of swimming, the only thing she didn't want to do was go under water and Steve didn't question it but he had to admit he was curious. As they were swimming side by side Steve decided to take that moment to ask the question that's been lingering in his head since she told him about her fear.



"Why were you so afraid of swimming?" He asked curiously

Natasha stopped as she turned to look at him with an unreadable expression on her face.

It was a cool summer day, that day. Natasha had just come home from ballet practice, as usual but when she got home that's when she saw the fury in her father's eyes. Why he was upset? Natasha couldn't tell you, all she knew was that he was beyond pissed at her.

Alexi grabbed her by her arm and dragged her into the dinning room sitting her on a chair.

"You stay right there." he hissed and Natasha complied as he went into the kitchen

He came back moments later with a pot of water. Natasha's eyes grew wide in fear. She didn't know what her father was going to do with the water but whatever it was she knew it wouldn't be good.

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