Part 30

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Natasha laid on the couch with Cooper's head laying on her chest as she watched 'Supernatural'. She was so consumed by the TV show that she didn't even hear the front door open or the sound of footsteps coming towards her.

Steve smiled as he walked into the living room and found the pair. Walking over to the couch he placed a gentle kiss on Natasha's cheek causing her to look up at him in surprise.

Natasha smiled "I didn't hear you come in."

Steve grabbed her feet lifting them up so he could take a seat and sitting down he placed her feet on top of his lap.

"I got off early." He shrugged as he began to rub her feet

"How long has he been asleep?" He asked after a moment looking at Cooper who slept peacefully

"About a hour." She shrugged rubbing the boys back gently

"Well if he's sleeping in our room he might want to find another pillow because those are mine." He joked looking at her breast that Cooper was currently laying his head on

Natasha chuckled amusedly shaking her head "actually, their mine because their attached to my body." She replied

Steve leaned forward and pecked Natasha's lips, careful not to wake the sleeping baby as he did so.

"You two already have dinner?" He asked

Natasha shook her head "Cooper has, but I was waiting for you."

Steve smiled "sweetheart, you don't have to wait for me to come home to have dinner."

"I know, but I like having dinner with you especially when we can't have lunch together." She replied

Steve smiled in understanding and getting up from the couch he walked into the kitchen to make dinner. Natasha got up from the couch placing Cooper in his basinet that Clint and Laura gave to her.

Natasha walked into the kitchen finding Steve seasoning the steak. Smiling lightly she wrapped her arms around his torso and laid her head against his back.

Steve smiled as he began to cook the steak and put the fries in the oven.

"Fries with steak?" She questioned with a raised eyebrow

"It's food there are no rules." He shrugged turning in her arms and wrapping his arms around her waist

Natasha stood up on her tippy toes and placed a gentle kiss to his lips "I love you." She murmured against his lips as they parted

Steve smiled rubbing the tips of their noses together "I love you too." He replied


After dinner they all headed upstairs for bed and Natasha laid Cooper in his playpen for the night. It wasn't the most comfortable arrangement but it would have to do for the night.

Making sure that the toddler was asleep Natasha got into bed and quickly laid her head on Steve's chest. Steve smiled down at the blonde combing his fingers through her short blonde locks.

They laid there for a moment in comfortable silence, the only sound that could be heard was Cooper's light snoring.

"He's so peaceful." Natasha was the first to speak, her eyes not leaving the toddler who slept soundlessly in the playpen

Steve followed Natasha's line of vision and hummed in agreement "yeah, but babies are supposed to be that way." He smiled lightly

Natasha chuckled lightly shaking her head against his chest "yeah right, not all babies are the same. Some sleep soundlessly others just cry and want you to hold them."

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