Part 38

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Natasha let out a shaky breath as she braced her hands on the top of her vanity. Now came the time for the part of the competition that she dreaded the most.

The bikini show.

Natasha always felt that this segment was unnecessary. Why should she have to parade around half naked in front of a bunch of old men that will judge her.

Nevertheless, Natasha wore a beautiful black swimsuit, a one piece. The straps were thin and wrapped around her shoulders. The suit showed off a good amount of side boob and due to the swimwear being backless she felt fairly exposed but it still covered enough not to feel uncomfortable.

The sound of the dressing room door creaking open caught the red heads attention and looking over her shoulder she found her husband. He let out a low whistle at the sight of her.

"You look hot." He complemented, his pupils expanding and his eyes growing dark with lust and love as he took her in

Natasha could see the hint of lust in his blue eyes as she looked at him through the reflection of the mirror and she let out a small, breathy chuckle as she turned his way.

"I feel so exposed, and the fact that my scar is on display isn't helping." She told him glancing behind herself in a attempt to look at the large scar and failing

She had successfully covered up all of the smaller scars that adorned her body, but the one that was on her back she struggled with. The long jaded scar ran from the middle of her shoulder blades almost to her tailbone.

Steve nodded in understanding and walked her way, placing his hands on her hips as he stopped in front of her. "You are beautiful, Nat. Scars and all."

He turned her back around gently and started pressing feather light kisses to the long jaded scar that adorned her back. Natasha shivered at his touch, a warm feeling growing in her core. Steve licked a long stripe along her back, following the course the scar left.

Natasha closed her eyes and took her bottom lip between her teeth, relishing in the feeling of her husbands touch.

"Steve." She moaned as his hands came around her and he took one of her breast in his hand, squeezing it gently

"I love you, all of you." He murmured against the skin of her neck as he worked his way up. He placed a long kiss to the junction of her neck and sucked on it lightly, he didn't want to leave a mark there before her big show after all.

A knock sounded on the large dressing room door pulling the couple away from each other. Natasha looked over her husband's shoulder with a sigh as she murmured a quick 'yes?' to whoever was behind it.

"Mrs. Rogers, you're due on stage in five minutes." A masculine voice informed her from the other side

She gave a curt nod, one the man couldn't see and said a quick 'okay.' before looking back to her husband. She looked at him for a moment, trying to convey what she feels through her eyes. He understood of course, he could read her like a book and he knew her better than the back of his hand.

Natasha placed a gentle kiss to his lips before turning back to her vanity and handing him a small bottle full of skin color liquid. Steve looked at the bottle confusedly and as if sensing his confusion Natasha explained "it's foundation, it should help cover up the scar, all you have to do is dab it into the skin."

"I thought you were going to display the scar, let it speak for itself." He replied

Natasha let out a small huff, turning on her heel she faced the blond, a unsure look on her face. "Steve, you might find the scar attractive but the judges won't-"

"Who the fuck cares what those pricks think!" He practically shouted causing the red head to flinch. Steve sighed and closed his eyes briefly, reopening them he spoke in a calmer tone "that scar shows how strong you are, Nat. It shows that despite the hell your parents put you through that you're still here. You're still standing." He stepped forward a step and cupped her face in his hands "doesn't that mean more than what some old man in a suite thinks?"

Tears prickled Natasha's eyes and she quickly blinked them away, a smile growing on her lips. "I love you." She said lowly, nearly in a murmur

Steve smiled and bending his head down slightly he placed a peck to her lips "I love you too. Now go show those ignorant assholes what you've got."

Natasha chuckled at the last comment and gathering her bearings she walked out of the dressing room and down the hallway to the stage, a pep in her step as she did so.


The motivation that Steve gave her seemed to pay off seeing as how she's currently walking out of the large building with a sash around her torso, big black letters spelled out the words 'Miss Universe'.

She walked with a pep in her step and smile on her face, she held Steve's hand in her own and she didn't let the flashing lights from the paparazzi deter her happiness.

She won.

Those singular two words are what brought a smile to her face and she wasn't gonna let anyone make it falter, especially her parents who have been calling her excessively ever since the win.

"Thank you, Phil." Steve spoke to the man who stood by the large black SUV, opening the door for the young couple

Steve helped his wife into the SUV and got in after her, buckling his seatbelt he adjusted himself in the seat and turned to his wife with a smile. "Told you you'd be great." He took her hand in his and brought it up to his lips, placing a kiss to the back of her hand

A light blush ghosted the red heads cheeks "that you did."

Steve smiled and placed his hand holding hers on his lap "the others are going to meet us for dinner." He told her


"At the hotel, they have a good buffet." He replied

Natasha nodded "sounds good."

With that she turned her head to look out the window, watching as they passed by various buildings and trees and other cars that drove along the road.

Over all today had been a great day, only if she could get her parents to stop calling her. She knew the only reason they are trying to contact her is because of her new title that came with a sparkly crown and a shiny sash.

"Steve?" She called after a moment, the hotel their staying at making a appearance in the distance

Steve hummed in question "yes, my love?"

She turned to him and pulled his hand up to her lips, kissing the side of his fist "I love you and I can't thank you enough for your support these last few months." She murmured "I know I haven't been the easiest person to deal with lately and I just want to let you know that I appreciate, more than anything."

Steve smiled "always, baby. Always."

With that, he leaned forward and placed a kiss to her lips, inhaling the scent of her vanilla scented perfume. God, he loved that smell, but he loved the taste of her cherry flavored chapstick more.


Did you guys get the reference in this one?

Two chapters in one week, who am I? Anyway, I'm sorry for the short chapter, I promise the next one is slightly longer... slightly.

Anyway, if you guys follow me then you probably know that this story is coming to a end. There will be two more chapters after this one and then I'll be working on my next book.

Whose excited?!

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