11: Donquixote Pirates

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Izumi: this happened before the Punk Hazard arc. 



"Are you done running away?" with widened eyes, she whipped her head upwards to see Doflamingo sitting on a rock in front of her with his legs crossed and a big grin on his face. It seemed more veins had appeared from the time they were separated.

Before she could react, she was hit by a force from the back that caused her to fall onto her front and drop her staff. She was about to launch another fire attack when her skin was cut by Doflamingo's strings, causing lines of blood to surface. The man crouched down to her level, "That attack took the rest of your energy, didn't it?" he asked rhetorically, "Try anything else and I won't hesitate to cut your throat too." as he said that, a sharp pain was felt and a cut on (Y/n)'s cheek appeared.

"Fufufu," he stood in his full height and placed his foot onto her head, "welcome to the family."

On with Chapter 11:



"Ugh!" (Y/n) was thrown onto the ground by Doflamingo himself when he and Trebol reached the castle at Dressrosa. He had gathered all his present officers into his office to introduce them to their "new member".

"Doffy, who is this woman?" (Y/n) looked up from the floor to see the officers looking back at her beaten up figure. She was still wearing her damaged dress and her skin was covered in multiple cuts thanks to the Warlord. The bindings on her wrists had been changed to metal handcuffs instead of Doflamingo's strings.

Not that she couldn't burn metal, but she didn't want to suffer from third degree burns from molten metal right now.

'Pica, Diamante, Lao G, Machvise, Dellinger, Senor Pink, Gladius...' she listed the people she recognized with bounties in her head as she scanned through their faces.

"This is one of those Worst Generation rookies., the "Witch Doctor" with a 300 million berry bounty." they seemed to be surprised at the mention of her profile, "Be careful around her. She uses energy to cast magic, but if you tire her enough, she can't focus on using her magic." he gave her a cut on her skin, "For now, forcing her to heal herself would be the way to go. She'll be tired soon enough."

Doflamingo was about to pick her up to give everyone a "closer look" but got warded off when she emitted fire from her body once again. The crew's first reaction was to back off and Pica was the brave one to instinctively protect his captain and stomped (Y/n)'s face first onto the ground. "Ah, healed faster than I thought." he said before proceeding to give her cuts around her body.

"If it's your duty to watch over her, keep her injured enough so she's forced to only heal." another cut appeared.

"Or, if you're injured from your mission, just "ask" her to heal you." Doflamingo demonstrated this by giving himself a small cut on his hand before lifting the Witch by the hair.

Both of them had a stare off, seeing who would give in first. (Y/n) ended up losing and used her healing magic when the grip in her hair tightened and the Warlord's grin dropped.

The cut glowed slightly and soon disappeared to reveal his now unwounded skin.

"How is she not affected by the cuffs?" Baby 5 stared at the display in amazement.

"It's the normal handcuffs. I don't see the point in using seastone, yet." his grin grew back on his face as he dropped (Y/n)'s head onto the floor and stood to his full height.

"She's an actual witch from the West Blue. There was a story that said that a small group of their kind lived on an island there, blending in with the normal humans. One day, someone found out about them when they saw a witch using magic in the woods and spread the news to everyone. They had gotten casted aside out of fear and the witches ended up leaving to an isolated part of the island, where no one else could reach unless they have magic. Hence, no one has seen a witch ever since and it was believed that their race were extinct."

"But, that legend was from years ago. So it was interesting to know that a descendant of the "cursed" race is still alive to this day."

"So, why did you bring her back here?" Doflamingo laughed at the question, or more at the thought of his answer, "The story had also stated that these magic users could even destroy an entire island alone if they wanted to. I saw her powers first hand before coming back to Dressrosa, and I can confirm those rumours are true, right, Trebol?" The snot-man nodded, "If these powers fall into the wrong hands, who knows what will happen." his voice deepened at the end of the statement.

"Monet had also informed me of her captain's arrival at Punk Hazard a few days ago. Using her as a hostage would keep him in place." he laughed again before getting interrupted by the person he was talking about in the first place. "Bold of you to assume he would even care about my wellbeing." it was a lie, but (Y/n) would do anything to protect her captain and her crew.

The pink-feather coated man frowned in annoyance before suddenly grinning. "Lying to save your captain's life? How selfless." he had caught her lie, "Don't worry, he'll come here and save you, if he can." he mockingly patted her head before instructing his officers to bring her to the cells.

"Ack-!" (Y/n) shouted when she was thrown into her cell. Her hands were now cuffed to the front and her ankles had a chain attached between them. "You could have been nicer." she mocked to lighten the situation for herself, "By the way, when is dinner? I didn't get any lunch on the way here because your boss attacked and kidnapped me while I was grocery shopping-" "Shut up." she immediately shut her mouth when the person who brought her there, Pica, finally spoke.

"Firstly, Doffy said to keep you injured so you can't use magic." as he said that, he lifted her figure and threw her against the wall. He continued talking while ignoring seeing (Y/n) fall with a groan. "Secondly, you're only allowed to eat every few days. Asking anyone in the family for food will only delay your meal. Thirdly, don't even try to escape. I don't care if you have magic. It won't work."

"Understand?" (Y/n) pushed herself slightly off the ground and looked at the man when he had finished talking.

"Um... could you repeat that? I was distracted by your voice..."


Izumi: rip y/n. ded by pica

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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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