44: Doflamingo is back

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Izumi: i actually checked and i have like 20 more episodes of dressrosa oh my god i need to speed up (but how with all this work in my life ;-;)



Robin then brought herself and (Y/n) to the stairs and saw Rebecca and Kyros already descending it.

"Robinland! (Y/n)land!" Leo who has been quiet this entire time spoke up, "We'll stay here, too! We can't leave the wounded Lawland here like that!" Princess Mansherry nodded in agreement.

(Y/n) gave a small smile, 'Maybe he would be fine here with all these people helping...' she thought before going down the steps with Robin's help.

On with Chapter 44:


Robin and (Y/n) just finished descending the stairs and were met with Rebecca and Kyros looking over the cliff.

"What was it?" Robin and (Y/n) were looking at whatever caught their attention and it was a..bouncing ball..?

Straining her eyes to see better further, (Y/n) said, "Is that..Luffy?" she recognized the outfit that was now stretched around the round body and the 'X' scar across his chest.

"L-L-L-L-L-Luffy-senpai!" Bartholomeo though reacted differently and more excitedly than others, "So strong! What is that? A new technique?! Must be a new technique!" he rambled and even went to Kyros and shook him by the shoulders, "Hey, you! Do you know how awesome this is?!" "Hm." but the latter just hummed in response.

"Witnessing such a rare moment! We couldn't be luckier!" "Hm."

"Oh, I can't stop shaking!" "So noisy.." (Y/n) was sure she muttered that under her breath but Bartholomeo somehow heard her loud and clear. "HUH? What did you say, WITCH?!"

"Get away from me!"


Watching Luffy fighting Doflamingo, one could tell that as a human, he is gonna be exhausted soon from all the power he was using. At the same time, Doflamingo was turning everything into his strings and using it against Luffy.

"Everybody listen," an announcement from the speakers came, "I'm the former king of Dressrosa - Riku Doldo III."

"This country is now, by the game that the current king Doflamingo started, in a giant Birdcage with no visible escape. On top of that, that vicious birdcage keeps shrinking, slicing up the town."

"You fell on this reality too suddenly. I'm sure your emotions can't even catch up and you're just trying to save your own or somebody's else's life right now. But this is not a dream! Nor a tragedy that has begun today! For a decade, we have always been puppets that live under their manipulation. That is reality! But that will end soon! The Donquixote family that we thought nobody could match has...almost been wiped out by the hands of the touch warriors who only happened to be here in this country! All of the family's executives are already taken down!"

"The only enemy there is left to beat... is the current king of Dressrosa - Doflamingo! And the one who is fighting him is the pirate - Mugiwara no Luffy! I believe he is the man who will destroy the birdcage for us! I feel very impotent because although I am a former king, all I can do is to stake this country's fate on some strange pirate! However, I can't help crying out like this! Whether he wins or loses, it'll only take several dozen minutes! Until then, try to survive, whatever it takes! I don't want any one of you to get crushed by the constriction of the country!"

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