38: The fight continues

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The dolls all of a sudden stopped moving and ended up losing balance, hitting the floor and some even broke apart.

"Why are they going down themselves?" Bartholomeo asked.

"What happened?" Cavendish followed.

On with Chapter 38:


A moment later, the nutcrackers on the floor started glowing and turning back into humans.

"I thought they were giant toys...but each of them was actually made up of eight people." Robin said what everyone was probably thinking at that point.

"They turned their own soldiers into toys?!" Cavendish exclaimed, "How could they do that to their own people?!"

It was through, how could they? (Y/n) looked towards the soldiers who started waking up grunting and crying after turning back into humans. 'Wait, isn't this Sugar's power?' she thought for a second, 'What happened to her?'

"It was terrible!" a soldier was crying.

"We thought we'd live as toys for the rest of our lives!" another cried.

"That wouldn't be! We were gonna turn you back as soon as the battle ended, of course!" Gladius came up with a lie to reassure the soldiers. Of course, the Donquixote family didn't think the soldiers would turn back to humans.

"Th-That's what I thought!"

"Good to hear that!"

"I'm relieved!"

The soldiers of course believed every word he said, if not for the Witch butting in. "Liar!" she shouted. (Y/n) caught everyone's attention and stepped forward. Did she not fear Gladius after all he has done to her?

Well, after all the torture? Maybe a little bit, but she loved getting on people's nerves, especially her enemies'.

"You guys didn't even remember about them, did you?" she rhetorically asked, "Isn't that part of Sugar's power?"

Some soldiers gasped at the new information and (Y/n) smirked wider. Listening in to people's conversation while captived was a great idea, not like there were a bunch of things to do anyways.

"All right! My barrier is fully recharged! I won't let you guys ascend any farther!" Batholomeo shouted as he got into a stance.

"You think you got the better of me just because the toys are gone?! That groundless confidence of yours, I'll smash it into pieces!" Gladius' forearm inflated and Robin got into a stance of her own, "I won't let you get in Luffy's way!"

Cavendish stepped forward with his sword unsheathed, "I'm gonna take down an executive of the Donquixote Family and become even more popular!" of course he thought about his popularity first..

(Y/n) lifted her staff and pointed towards Gladius, "And I'm gonna help my captain in defeating your family."

(Y/n) didn't hesitate to send an attack towards Gladius while the other three split up to defeat the soldiers.

(Y/n) didn't hesitate to send an attack towards Gladius while the other three split up to defeat the soldiers

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<ANIME: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood>

"Barrier crush!" Bartholomeo summoned a barrier wall that practically punched the soldiers away.

"Mil fleurs! Gigantesco mano! Stomp!" Robin summoned giant replicas of her legs from the ground and used it to stomp the enemies.

"Blade of beauty! Round table!" Cavendish spun around with his blade and took out his side.

The four of them continued fighting against the Donquixote pirates but it seemed like neither of them were giving up.

"Go ahead, Robin-senpai!" (Y/n) heard Bartholomeo say from behind her. She took a glance behind and saw that he was talking to Robin behind his barrier. Only Cavendish and (Y/n) herself were still fighting on the battlefield.

"I know how you feel! Leave this place in my hands! Now, go on!"

Robin thought for a second, "Okay!" she responded, "Pierna fleurs!"

Multiple clones of her leg appeared along the sides of the hill that led up to the top, which for some reason slightly disturbed her.

"Ugh, that's a lot of legs..."

Robin seemed to have noticed (Y/n) stare and shouted towards her, "Sorry, (Y/n)! But I'll be going on first!"

"Don't worry!" (Y/n) replied before pushing back another enemy, "I'll catch up later!" her friend nodded and continued running up. The legs that she has passed turned into petals and more legs started appearing the higher she went.

Meanwhile, the witch swore she saw Bartholoemo cry silently, probably thinking about how he talked to Robin.

She was about to go back in attacking Gladius when she was called, "Hey, Witch Doctor." "Huh?" she turned to him.

"You're Robin-senpai's friend, right?" she nodded, "...I don't really trust you but I can handle it here!"

(Y/n) was confused, "So hurry up and help her! And save Luffy-senpai! And your captain too I guess..."

(Y/n) couldn't help but to let out a chuckle, "Heh, you got it, Roosterhead!"

She ran away from the fight and towards the hill. Using momentum and wind magic, she pushed herself off the ground and closer to the upper level.


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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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