54: Thank you, Ryunosuke!

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 Izumi: i should stop saying "life" as an excuse for being late with updates but ITS TRUE LMAO i had plans like every weekend. So, life.



Eventually, everyone got on the dragon and sat in a line. Robin sat in front of (Y/n), who sat in front of Law, and behind him was Franky.

Ryuu finally took a step and started climbing the elephant's leg.

"Good! Keep going, Ryuu!" Luffy cheered on.

"How many kilometres to go?! I see no end up there! Are you sure there's a country?!"

"Don't worry. The Vivre card is pointing upwards." Law reassured Usopp's worries.

"Oh, okay. Ryuu! You can do it!"

While Usopp cheered on the pink dragon, (Y/n) was in deep thought, "Maybe... Maybe I should have summoned my shikigamis..." she muttered under her breath.

On with Chapter 54:


Ryuu (the dragon?) had been climbing up the elephant's leg and the crew were very high up from the ocean.

"It's so high, I'm scared! My arms are exhausted! It's too much!" Usopp whined.

"Don't say that, Usopp. He's giving it all he's got." Luffy scolded him. But literally a second after Luffy said that, Ryuu must have lost his grip and they started slipping down.

Usopp began screaming in fear while gripping onto Zoro's clothes tightly. The sight of the sea was getting closer and closer by the second.

"If we fall into the sea, that'll be it!" Kin'emon said.

"Ryuu, you can do it!"

At the same time, thoughts and ideas were flying though (Y/n)'s head on how to save all of them.

If she used wind, the friction will slow them down but it might hurt them at the same time.

If she used water, it might dissolve Ryuu while also affecting the devil fruit users.

If she used her Shikigami, it's gonna use up a lot of time just to summon them.

Wind seemed to be the most effective option. As she was about to conjure a spell, Ryuu anaged to stop them right before they hit the water.

He paused there for a few seconds to catch his breath.

"Okay! Good job!" Luffy cheered for the dragon.

"You showed some guts!"

"A-Attayboy, Ryuu.. No, your name is Ryunosuke from now on! Our friend, Ryunosuke!" "All right! So just let go of me!"

The Straw Hats cheered for the dragon who was flattered from the attention while gripping for dear life.

"He scared the crap out of me." Law commented.

"I wish he could fly.." Franky said.

(Y/n) then felt a gaze at the back of her head and turned slowly to find the source of it. She saw Franky staring at her intensely and sweatdropped.

"I can't do manipulation magic.." she said but Franky just stared harder.

"I can't carry all of you guys all the way up too!! I don't even know how high the top is!" She cried.


"Is this dragon okay?" Kin'emon asked.

"What are you talking about?" Kanjuro asked back, "You just saw how he held on, didn't you?" the samurai was very proud of his creation.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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