15: Minion Island

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Izumi: chapter 4/4 of flashback

Last Flashback chapter! This chapter was not up to standard im sorry!



"Uh, marine-san..." the man whipped his head towards her and she jumped from the aggressiveness , "Uhm, is it possible if I stay with you guys for the next, was it three weeks? I can slow his disease down until then. I'm sorry I can't cure it. If you want, I can leave. I understand. Just... don't hand me over to the government, please?" by the end of her sentence, (Y/n) was bowing towards the tall man and her head was touching the ground.

"Firstly," the man's deep voice made her shudder in fear, "don't call me marine-san. You can call me Corazon, or Cora-san."

"Secondly, lift your head off the ground. I'm not some god you worship." (Y/n) pushed herself back into a sitting position.

"Thirdly, how did you know I was working with the marines?" (Y/n) fiddled with her outfit before answering, "I heard a part of your conversation on the den den mushi just now... I recognized the name of the man that almost killed me...."

On with Chapter 15:


== F L A S H B A C K ==

Corazon ended up accepting (Y/n)'s deal on the condition that she will keep him being a marine a secret. He had given her a run-through of the plan, which was to go to Minion Island to get the Op-Op fruit for Law.

Days had passed and currently they were on a rescue boat on the way to Minion Island. The weather was not on their side as the water was choppy and the boat was swaying aggressively from side to side. (Y/n), with her limited knowledge of her magic, did her best to keep the boat steady and not capsize while Corazon was holding onto Law.

"Dammit! Why does it have to be so choppy now?!" Corazon shouted in annoyance at the weather. "Cora-san..." Law called from his position. "What's wrong, Law?!"

"The government knew that we would die, but they kept making us dig up White Lead, for money!" (Y/n)'s head shot up at the news but kept silent. "My family... and the people of Flevance... the government killed them!" a memory of Ohara flashed in her head, "So if you're a Navy soldier allied with them, tell me the truth."

"That's absurd! I'm not a Navy soldier!" Corazon denied and Law looked up at him with a big smile, "That's good!"

"In fact... you need to realize - stealing the Op-Op fruit means... we'll make enemies of everybody... Doflamingo, the Navy, and the government! We'll be chased by all of them!" he seemed to have glanced at (Y/n) before continuing talking, "You better be prepared to fight to live!"


The group managed to escape the storm and choppy waters and were continuing their way to Minion Island. Law was sleeping in his bundle, Corazon was navigating the boat, and (Y/n) was steering it.

"(Y/n), the marines will be nearby." said person's eyes widened in shock. 'Did he lie to me? Is he bringing me over to them? Is this really the end?'

Noticing the younger's reaction, he quickly added, "Wear this. Use the hood to hide your face." he handed over an old coat that was too big for the (h/c-ette).'He's not ratting me out?'

Realizing that (Y/n) now had a confused expression, he smiled, "We still need you, right?" his words had caught her off guard and she blushed. Feeling a sudden warmth light inside of her, (Y/n) answered, "Right!"

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