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Third Pov

[Wolves Howling Distantly]

Scooby was walking all night trying to find a place to stand for the night but stop and whimper when he hears wolves howling. He starts shuddering and his teeth chattering as the wind was picking up.

[Thundering Crashing]

Scooby now knows he's at a cemetery.

"Yipe!" Scooby whimpers.

[Wind Howling]

Scooby looks at the graveyard. Two graves shuffles around like something was trying to get out of them. Then lightening strikes and two ghosts raise from the dead. Scooby gasps with his eyes bulged out.

[Two Ghosts Laughing]

Scooby screams running for his life and was whimpering.

"Come, Prudence. We must serve our new master," Male Ghost said as he and the Woman Ghost flys away.

Scooby runs and panting. He jump over a wall as he screams, crash into a fence and run through a flower garden. While Scooby was running and whimpering, he saw a window and he runs in and as he enter the window he ended up crashing onto to something. He screams when he sees another ghost.

Sadie Pov

I woke up from screaming on Shaggs side.

"Shagg?" I call out softly but tiredly.

"Sades! Help!," Shaggy screams.

"I'm coming, Shaggs," I said as I was getting out of the bed.

I got to Shaggs side, I saw Shaggs blankets covering something. It was screaming. I took off the covers and it reveal a dog. Shaggs and the dog screams at each other until a few minutes later they started laughing at each other which made me giggle.

When the dog and Shaggs stopped laughing, the dog headed for the window, pull the blinds down, lock the window and hide underneath Shaggs blankets. I had a concern look while Shaggs had a confused look.

"What's the matter boy? Something out there got you spooked?" Shaggy asked.

"Roasts!Roasts!" The dog answers scare.

"A "roast"? Like, what's so scary about a delicious roast?" Shaggy asked.

I sat on the side of the Shaggs bed and gently take the blankets off of the scare dog and gently petting him. "You met, ghost right boy?"

The dog nodded with a scare look but was calming down from my petting.

"Oh, "ghosts" .......Ghost?!" Shaggy asked becoming scare.

"You're safe here with us two, boy," I said softly as I was still stroking the dogs head.

The dog sighs relief but he was still enjoying get pets from me.

Then Shaggs introduces himself "My name's Norville. But most people call me Shaggy but my sister calls me Shaggs."

"And I'm Sadie. But my brother here calls me Sades," I said softly.

"Raggy. Radie," The dog said smiling as he was testing out our names.

Shaggs takes a look of the dogs name tag. "Let's see what your name is. Oh Scoobert Doo. Hm. Like, I wonder if people call you Scooby. Kinda of has a nice ring to it, don't you think?"

"Reah," Scooby said smiling.

I smile.

Shaggs shakes Scooby's paw as I was still sitting on Shaggs bed. "Well, then it's nice to meet you Scooby-Doo."

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