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Third Pov

Sadie was still driving as she remembers that she brought some goodies that she bake before she and Shaggy left their house.

"Hey, Shaggs? There are some bake goods in my purse that's between my seat and Scoobs seat.

"Okay, Sades," Shaggy said softly smiling.

He went to Sadie's purse and got the baked goods from her purse and open the container lid and hold it out to the other three which they smile and took one and said thank you and Shaggy took one and put the lid back on.

"Here, Scoobs," Shaggy said smiling as he gave Scooby one of the homemade dog treats.

"Mmhm, delicious," Scooby Doo said smiling.

The others laugh softly.

Finally, Sadie made it and she parks the van and turn off the engine.

"We're here, guys," Sadie said softly.

The others look at the house and they all got out of the van with flashlights.

"This is bizarre," Fred whisper.

They all walk up ahead a bit.

"There's no lights on. Grimes must be asleep," Fred said softly.

"Or he's out planning another one of his late-night creep-fests," Velma said softly.

"Only one way to find out," Daphne said softly.

They started to walk more.

"Oh, wait. So, like, what's the plan?" Sadie asked fearly.

"We can't just go breaking into Vice Principal Grimes' house. Then he really could have us arrested," Shaggy said.

"It's not breaking in if the front door's wide open," Fred said smiling.

Shaggy frowns and Sadie still looks scared but becomes more scared when she sees the door open by itself while the other three smile.

"Come on," Fred said smiling.

They walk.

"Guys, I think we should reconsider this," Sadie said scared.

Fred comes back and held out a hand for Sadie while looking at her softly. Sadie took it and Fred intwine their fingers together. And they caught up with the others.

"Hey, wait for me," Scooby Doo said as he catches up.

Sadie Pov

We walk in quietly and carefully holding our flashlights to find any clues. I was holding Fred's hand because I was scared. When we entered the living room we flash or flashlights of dressed war dummies that made us jump in fear.

I hid my face in Fred's chest scared.

"It's alright, love. It's just a dummy," Fred said softly.

I pecked and Fred was right it was just a dummy. We then noticed that Vice Principal Grimes stuff is all about World War II.

"Looks like Vice Principal Grimes is quite the World War II buff," Velma said.

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