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Sadie Pov

The weekend was over

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The weekend was over. Shaggs and I had so much fun bonding with Scooby. Today it was Monday, which means that me and Shaggs had to go back to school. But since Scooby grown to love us and didn't want to be alone, he decided he wanted come along with us to school.

I was worried because the rules said no dogs allowed at school so Shaggs came up with a idea to have Scoobs to come with us to school disguise as a student.

Shaggs had Scoobs wear his clothes. I just hope this plan goes well. After we put Scoobs in his disguise, we waited at the bus stop for the school bus to pick us up.

When the school bus was here, I got on first with Shaggs and Scoobs following behind me. "Hi, Frank."

"Hi, Sadie," Frank said.

"Hello," Shaggy said

"Nice bus," Scooby said following me and Shaggs.

When the three of us were on the bus, Frank started to drive to the school.

"I'm still worried about this Shaggs," I said whisper for him to hear.

"It's gonna be okay, Sades. We're on the bus now and I can tell no one on here suspects a thing," Shaggy said softly trying to calm me down.

I sigh.

Shaggs looks at between us. "I told you this would work. People barely even know that I'm—"

Shaggs cuts off of by the same jock tripping Shaggs again. The jock laughs which made some other kids laugh too.

"Neanderthals," I heard Velma Dinkley said rolling her eyes.

"What are you, 5?" Fred asked his friend.

"You know bullying isn't nice," I said softly to the jock as I help Shaggs up.

"This is coming from the girl who is scared of the water. That sounds like a scary cat to me," the jock said.

Scooby growls.

I had tears in my eyes. I look at Fred who wasn't looking at me. "Fred? Are you gonna say something to stop him?"

The jock looks at Fred confused. "Do you know her, man?"

What hurt me more was Fred's answer.

"No, I don't know her," Fred said not looking at me.

I had tears streaming down on my cheeks and I took out his team jersey shirt of my shoulder bag and throw it at him. "Here. I don't need it anymore."

And I continue to walk to seat beside Daph who had a mad face but her eyes soften when I sat down beside her with tears.

"Oh sweetheart," Daphne said softly and brings me in her arms as I cry silently in Daphs arms.

Fred Pov (short)

I fuck up as I look at my team jersey in my hands. I had guilty look when I heard Sades crying behind my seat.

Sadie Pov

After I was done crying. I read my book but I heard giggles underneath the seat so I look and my eyes widen. I saw Scooby.

"Scoobs. What are you doing?!" I whisper shout for him to hear.

Scooby looks at me. "Radie, this jock was being mean to you and Raggie."

I smile softly at Scoobs. "Thank you Scoobs but we can't let anyone know that me and Shagg brought a dog on the bus. But you can bite the jock when there's not a lot of people around."

Scooby nodded softly.

"Now, go back and sit with Shaggs," I whisper for Scooby to hear.

"Ok, Radie," Scooby said softly and was about to crawl back but the jock saw him.

I became worried.

"Oh! Hey, you, what are you doing down there, huh?" The jock asked, about to hurt Scoobs.

"Scooby!" Shaggy and I chorused worried.

"That's enough!" Fred exclaims, shoving his friend into Velma, accidentally destroying her science project. "Bullying people—"

Before Fred could finish, his friend shoves him into me and Daph and then goes back to Scoobs. "Buddy, you're gonna get it."

"Don't touch our dog!" Shaggy exclaims, jumping on the jocks back.

I was gonna help Shaggs but Fred held me back. "Let go of me jerk!"

"No! Your gonna get hurt!" Fred exclaims as he holds me back.

"Oh so now you care about her?!" Daphne said pissed.

Fred looks at Daph. "I still do!"

I slapped his arms from me.

"Let her go!" Velma yells.

Daph and Velma keeps yelling at Fred as I was trying to get out of his arms still.

Frank eventually had enough.

"Hey! Hey, you kids. Knock it off back there!" Frank yells.

I didn't know what else happened as I was still trying to get out of Fred's arms, except that Frank had turn the bus sharp, it swerved little to fast and almost made everyone fall out of their seats. We then heard a car going off.

Oh god. I hope we didn't damage Vice-Principal Grimes new car. I thought with a worried look.

Turns out it was Vice-Principal Grimes new car that we damaged. He was not happy.

"Who is responsible for this?" Vice-Principal Grimes asked/demands.

Frank immediately points to me, Fred, Daph, Velma, Shaggs and Scooby. And everyone else points at us too. Vice-Principal Grimes looks at us.

words: 871

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