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Sadie Pov

Night Time

After everything happened today at school with me being scared when I saw the ghosts that haunted me since I was a kid

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After everything happened today at school with me being scared when I saw the ghosts that haunted me since I was a kid. Before me and Shaggs regroup with the others to investigate the ghosts that I did not want to do, I changed into something else . So when it was dark out, me and Shaggs sneak out of the house when our parents were asleep and I didn't notice that I didn't put my protection necklace back on. Scooby was leading the way.

"I can't believe this. Following a dog to find a ghost?" Daphne asked as she and I have our arms link together.

"I can't believe we're trying to find a ghost at all. I mean, I don't even think I believe in ghosts," Fred said.

"You should Fred. Because somethings might happen. I learn my consequences when I didn't believe in ghosts," I said as I was looking forward with a far look.

"Is she okay?" I heard Velma asked Shaggs in worried.

As I felt their worried looks on me.

"I hope so," I heard Shaggs said softly but worried.

"While I too am skeptical, there's volumes of anecdotal evidence supporting the existence of the supernatural. And historically, canines have been proven to be highly sensitive to paranormal activity," Velma said.

While Scooby sniffing the ground, he somehow ends up with a pair of mushrooms stuck in his nose. Fred and Shaggs laugh and high five each other when Scooby snorts them out of his nose. Meanwhile, me, Daph and Velma are not amused.

"Well, we have to try something if we wanna clear our names," Velma said.

We kept walking letting Scooby leading the way. Eventually, Scooby stops sniffing the ground and starts to bark at something. We all look up, directing our flashlights at the old, dirty sign that saids "cemetery" on it. I became very scare. Shaggs was kinda scared but I was more scare then Shaggs.

I whimper in fear.

"Aww, man. I forgot you don't like cemetery's, Sades," Shaggy said softly.

"Well, we know where the ghosts that haunted me came from. Now we can all go home now," I said whimpers in fear and unloop my arm from Daphs.

Before I take one step, Fred grab me.

"No! I'm not going in there!" I yelled as I was trying to get out of Fred's arms.

"Calm down, Sadi. Can you tell us why you don't like the cemetery?" Fred asked softly as he still haves me in his arms.

"Something in there controls me if I don't have my necklace on," I said with tears in my eyes.

Fred, Daph and Velma eyes soften while Shaggs is worried.

"Something controls you, Sadess?" Daphne asked softly.

✔𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐝'𝐬 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 → 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 (𝐫𝐞𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧)Where stories live. Discover now