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I barged into the principals office. Blue looked terrified. As she should, I was about to tear that ass up for making me miss my meeting.

I was getting ready for a meeting when I got a call from the school telling me Blue was in the office and I needed to come pick her up.

I've had to change my entire days schedule because this little girl doesn't know how to act in school.

"Mrs.Knowles, take a seat please." The principal gestured to a seat next to Bey.

I took a seat next to Blue and she was staring at the floor now. The floor pattern could not be that interesting.

"So what happened?" The principal refused to look me in my eyes, now I'm really getting irritated.

I know I came in here a little aggressively and I can be intimidating but this is just ridiculous. This is a grown man afraid to look me in my eyes.

"I'm waiting." I don't like being rude, people bring it out of me.

He cleared his throat, "Well Blue here has gotten into an altercation in the lunch room."

"An altercation- are you serious?! You think you grown now?! Putting your hands on people?!"

I was about to keep yelling but this grown ass looking teenager walked in. "You're fighting seniors now?! What has gotten into your scrawny ass?!"

The teenager looked confused. "What? No, I'm Aaliyahs mom."

I looked at her for just a split second, it was enough to remember what she looked like. She was probably shorter than Blue but I could tell she wasn't a teenager from her body. She definitely pushed a baby out with those hips.

"I have somewhere to be, can we hurry this up?" I checked the time on my watch and I didn't have much time before I had something else scheduled.

Blue knew I had a busy day today and decided today was the day to get a fight. She lost her mind.

The more we sat here doing nothing, the more annoyed I was getting. He was wasting my time.

"Can you call Aaliyah in here, Ms.Maraj?"

She nodded and left the office. I used this opportunity to check my phone.

Before I could check anything, the tiny woman came back with a miniature version of herself. They sat down also and we were waiting for the principal to talk.

"Well this isn't their first time being in my office over a disagreement but we're going to give them a chance to resolve their problems. If they can talk it out and resolve their problems with the help of a counselor, they won't get suspended."

But I guess it was reasonable enough.

Blue looked at her and scrunched her face up. I looked over at the other girl and she had the same facial expression.

"No!" They both spoke at the same time.

Blue knows better than to be acting this so I'm confused why she's doing this now.

"What's the problem?" The tiny woman looked over at her daughter and asked.

"I didn't even do anything, she's had a problem with me for no reason since I got here. I literally breathed."

"Stop lying, ugly. All I was trying to do was say something to you."

I almost laughed but I didn't. I'm supposed to be mad.

"You were being disrespectful, you weren't just trying to talk."

"Look, I understand you came from the slums of New York or whatever but over here we have a little more class. This is a school, you don't just swing on people."

Wait. That sounds like she lost.

"The slums?!" The girl was about to stand up but her mom snatched her down and whispered something in her ear.

"Okay, how about this." I turned to Blue, "You can do whatever he's talking about or I can really embarrass you by whooping you in front of this girl who doesn't like and she can tell everyone. No more dancing either, keep playing with me."

Her jaw dropped when I mentioned dancing. "Fine." She crossed her arms over her chest and sat back in her seat.

"Okay, Blue and Aaliyah come with me."

They both stood up and followed him out of the room.

Im glad the small woman hasn't said anything to me. I had no intention of speaking with this woman, I just want to get back to work.


We sat in the office in complete silence. I was waiting for her to say something but it doesn't look like she's going to, I guess I have to.

"Hi, I'm Onika." I had the friendly smile imaginable and she didn't notice it.

"Beyoncé Knowles." She didn't shake my hand or even look at me.

I put my hand back awkwardly, that was embarrassing. She's scary looking but I really can't believe she thought I was a high schooler.

I know I'm an adult but she really has the energy of a grown woman. I don't know how to describe it, being in her presence makes me feel like a child.

After a minute, I decided to talk again because the silence was getting too awkward for me. "Knowing my daughter's mouth, she probably said something about you during their little argument." I chuckled trying to lighten the mood.

"Any negative mom comments made to Blue were about my wife. I'll take all the good ones." She lightly laughed and covered it up by clearing her throat.

Wife? Well that's.. new. There's nothing wrong with it, love is love and all that. I should've guessed she had a wife, she looks like she would be the man in whatever relationship she's in.

Before I could respond, the principal walked in with both our daughters. "I'll send them home but just for the day, they solved their problems."

"Mama can Aaliyah spend the night on Friday?"


"Weren't y'all just fighting? How do you know that she doesn't just want to get revenge on you?"

"We're friends now. Isn't that what you wanted?"

"I guess but you're on punishment until then. If her mom says it's okay then whatever."

They both turned to me with puppy dog eyes. "Please?"

"N- fine."

They squealed and side hugged. Very weird, could not be me.

"Blue come on before you make me miss another meeting."

Beyoncé stood up and started walking out the office.

Blue ran to catch up with her and waved at us as she was leaving.

this is short so i'll update again today if this chapter does well

first impressions?



blue and aaliyah?


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