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I was taking Blue on her little date today. Aaliyah has been over for hours trying to help Blue find the perfect outfit.

"Come on y'all!" I was being patient because this is her first date or whatever, but I have things to do.

Things like drinking a bottle of wine and watching Madea movies. It's a guilty pleasure of mine.

Aaliyah came running down the stairs. "We just need one minute to finish hair and makeup."

"Hair and makeup?" I said more to myself since Aaliyah was already back up the stairs.

A lot more than a minute later, Aaliyah came running back down the stairs. "She's coming downstairs, don't say anything rude please."

"Why would I say anything rude?" Why is everyone always telling me that?

"You know how you are, just tell her she looks pretty."

I didn't say anything because I heard Blue start to come down the stairs. She was wearing what she usually wears. Cargo pants, a small white shirt, a baseball jacket, and Jordan's.

"You look beautiful BlueBlue." She really did even though she copied my hair.

She knows I love a half up half down. This girl wants to be Beyoncé Jr.

"Thanks. I already told Kai we were on the way, so can we go?"

She still doesn't want to talk to me much. Things are better but not good.

"Okay, let's go."

"One second." Aaliyah ran into the kitchen and Blue didn't feel like waiting so she went out to the car.

I was going to wait for Aaliyah but she was taking too long. "Aaliyah I'm going to wait in the car, lock the door on your way out."


I left the door open and went out to the car. Blue was in the backseat already talking on the phone.

"I have to go but I'll see you in ten minutes. Bye." She quickly got off the phone when I got in the car.

Aaliyah walked out of the house with a plate in one hand and my last bottle of sweet tea in the other.

Blue opened the door for her since she needed the help. She got in the car and sighed.

"My last sweet tea? Where is your mom?" She needs to buy me more.

"Sorry, I knew I was going to get thirsty." She shrugged, she didn't even care.

"What is that on your plate?" I saw Blue take one and eat it.

"Just some Pizza Rolls for the road."

Onikas going to have to pay me back for that. I shook my head and pulled out of the driveway after making sure the Gps was set correctly.

"Blue, you know to be respectful right?" Who knows these days?

She sighed, "Yes mama."

"Hold the door for her, tell her she looks beautiful, and pay for everything."

"I know already."

"Don't be too fast either, you're only 15." Let me see a hickey, it'll be the end of her world.

"What? I'm not fast."

Aaliyah laughed, "Be serious."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You're a hoe. You like one girl and kissing another."

"I'm a hoe but you skipped 7th period to go with Chris to his car?"

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