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Beyoncé is crazy.

I left my house to stop by the grocery store for a few things and she was parked outside. She told me to get in and won't tell me where we're going.

"Can you please tell me where we're going? This feels like I'm being kidnapped."

"We're just going dick shopping, calm down."

"Dick shopping?"

"You know, like a plastic dildo for a strap on that lesbians sometimes use?"

"Did you have to say it like that?" She makes everything sound so weird.

She shrugged, "You asked."

"Wait, so we're going to a sex store? Are we going to Spencers?"

"Yes and no. This one is better."

"So you've been there before?" Why is she going to sex stores?

"Multiple times. I'm a grown woman, I do grown woman things."

I wonder if she ever went to one with her ex husband. I can't even imagine her having straight sex.

"I have a question." I'm not sure she's going to answer me.

"I might have an answer."

"So you used to like.. suck dick?"

"I have before, yes."

"And you liked it?" I can't imagine her enjoying it.

"I don't know if I liked it, I think I just liked his reaction to it. It was more of a job."

"So you were good at it?"

"I'm good at whatever I set mind to."

"And he used to... do stuff to you?" I don't like being too vulgar.

"He used to break my back in, that's one of the only things he knew how to do properly. I didn't really like the feeling of a hot sweaty man on top of me though."

"I loved it."

My husband was a big strong man so feeling those hot sweaty muscles on me.. I'm getting off topic.

"Feeling boobs is even better. Do you like straight or lesbian sex better?"

"Hmm.. that's a hard question."

"It's really not, one is far better."

"I would say lesbian sex feels better but sex with actual love feels better than anything and I've only felt that with a man so I don't know."


We didn't say much for the rest of the ride. It felt awkward for me, I wonder if it felt as awkward for her.

I could physically see her mood change. The faint smile that's been on her face since I got in the car, was gone and she was less relaxed in her seat.

When we got to the sex store, we both got out. I tried to hold her hand and she slipped hers right out of mine.

"What's wrong?" Now I know there's something wrong. I just tried to make physical contact with her and she didn't want me to.

"Nothing, it's just hard to comfortably hold your hand because of our height difference."

"You've never had a problem before?"

"How many times have we held hands? You've never had a problem with us not doing it before, you barely want to. Calm down."

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