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I woke up to Onika quite literally beating my ass.

I could barely open my eyes so I couldn't even fully process that I was being hit to defend myself.

"What the fuck?!" I finally got a hold of her wrist and the hitting stopped.

She struggled to get out of my grip but I wasn't going to let her go. "You have me so fucked up! Let me go!"

What time is it?

"Why are you hitting me? Since when do we do that?"

"Since when do we cheat on each other?"

"Huh?" I'm wondering the same thing because I never cheated on her.

"What bitch did you have over at your house?!"


"What the fuck do you mean huh?! I know you can hear me so answer my fucking question!"

I haven't even gotten a chance to wipe the crust out of my eyes yet. She woke me up by hitting me and just started yelling.

"I'll answer whatever you want after you calm down. You're not about to talk to me crazy." I don't know who she thinks I am.

"Or what?" Her voice was scary even when she wasn't yelling.

I let her hands go now that she seemed to be more calm. I don't think she will, she never has before.

"Or what?" I couldn't even believe the words coming out of her mouth.

"Just answer my question, I really don't care about anything else you're saying. What bitch did you have in your house?"

"You have to be more specific, I've had plenty of people in my house."

"Why do you think everything is a fucking joke? Do you see any type of indication that I'm playing with you right now? A playful smirk? A smile?"

"No but I really don't know what you're so worked up about. Maybe if you came in here actually telling me what the problem is, we could've already worked it out but you just want to yell and hit."

"You don't know what I'm so worked up about?! My daughter just told me she saw you fucking cheating on me!"

That snitch.

"I wasn't cheating on you Onika. It was just Nylah."

That made her start swinging on me again. She was moving too fast for me to grab her wrists again so I rolled to the other side of the bed and stood up.

"What the fuck? You need to stop hitting me, seriously."

"Why?! Because you can't fight?! You're scared of getting your ass beat by a 5'3 woman?!"

She's not even 5'3.

"No, because I'm not going to put my hands back on you."

I would let her beat my ass, I don't want to hit her. I wish Solange was here so I could get her to fight for me.

"Oh but you can put your hands all on the bitch?! Aaliyah told me you had your hands all on her ass!"

Aaliyah is a damn lie.

"That's not even true. We hugged but my hands were nowhere near her ass."

"Why was she even at your house in the first place?!"

"Am I crazy or are you just suffering from memory loss? Do you not remember when I told you she was a personal shopper and I wanted her to get some stuff for you?"

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