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Hawaii was fun while it lasted. We went zip lining, jet skiing, we even hiked up a mountain one day.

We were there for about a week in a half but for some reason we had to go back to school.

We were in the jet now. Miss Bey and my mom were in the back probably having sex.

My mom took my phone every night since the first time she took it. She's crazy, I got punished for something I didn't even do.

We weren't doing anything in the bathroom. We were just in there talking.

I don't know why everything thinks that. Even Blue, that's the whole reason we were arguing.

She got jealous because I was talking to him. That crazy ass girl.

We made up like we always do.

This trip was... complicated for us. A lot happened between the two of us.

But we're sisters. That's probably why she was so mad at both our moms.

Since Blue was sleeping, I texted Chris. He's just my friend.

: fuck you

We're both from New York, all we do is cuss each other out.

bitch ass nigga: smd. stop texting me

: wyd?

bitch ass nigga: minding my business hbu

: lame ass nigga

: meanwhile i'm on a private jet rn coming from hawaii

: get your money up not your funny up ho

bitch ass nigga: frr???

I sent him a picture of my background.

bitch ass nigga: no way 😭 does your mom need a nigga???

bitch ass nigga: i'll make her feel young again

: shut up bitch

: she's in a relationship

bitch ass nigga: well shit i don't mind being a secret 👀

bitch ass nigga: you of all people should know that

: blocked.

I laughed and blocked him. We both knew I would unblock him later, it was just to prove a point.

Now I had to wake Blue up, I was bored again. I stood up and flopped my body on top of hers.

She made a pained noise and pushed me off of her. "What the fuck?!"

"Sorry Blueberry. I'm bored, talk to me."

"I'm tired, I just want to sleep."

"You're always tired, what's going on?" She's been acting really weird lately. Not just with me but in general.

"Nothing. Are you coming to my dance thing?"

She keeps calling it a dance thing because dance recital is too bitchy.

"Duh. I'm gonna be screaming your name from the crowd."

"Definitely don't do that, it's not that type of event. My dad said he's coming, do you think he really will?"

"Maybe, I don't know." He's never around but I don't think he's a deadbeat.

"He asked me if I wanted to go to California with him."

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