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y'all don't comment like that anymore 😵‍💫


It was Friday.

I was so scared. Bey just called me and told me she was back from her morning meetings and I should come over.

I told her I would need about an hour. I wasn't completely sure what we were going to do but I needed to be prepared for anything.

I got dressed and drove down to her house, I didn't want to start sweating.

I got out and rang her doorbell. I was contemplating getting back in my car and driving home but I was the one that asked for this.

She opened the door in a suit and her hair back. Seeing her all business woman-like didn't help, she's still intimidating to me.

"Come in."

I walked inside and she closed the door, I was so nervous. What do I say? "Hi." That's a start.

"Hey. You nervous?"

"Very, I'm shaking."

I held my hand out so she could see how my hands were actually shaking and she laughed.

"You're a woman, just do what I do to you. It's all the same parts."

I nodded my head, "Right. I can do it."

"Do you want water or anything before we go upstairs?" Look at her being hospitable for once.

"No, I'm okay. Im ready, let's go." I was ready to get into it.

"Okay, let's go."

She held her hand out and I took it, I usually don't. We walked upstairs and into her room.

"Sit." She sat down on the bed and patted the spot next to her.

I sat down, "What?"

"I'm an honest person, right?"

"A little but more than you should be but yes."

"So I should be honest about my feelings, right?"

"Yes.." I don't know where she's going with this now.

"So I was thinking. I think the real reason why I didn't want you to touch me is because I'm afraid of being vulnerable. I always get taken advantage of and done wrong so I didn't want to.. give myself to you, I guess."

"I'm not going to do anything like that. Especially not get pregnant." I had to.

"I know, that's why we're doing it now. I'm about to take my clothes off, turn around or something. Undressing in front of people is so awkward."

I turned around while she got undressed. Eventually, I felt a dip in the bed so I turned around. I've already seen her naked so we haven't done anything out of the ordinary yet.

"Lay back."

She furrowed her eyebrows, "You want me to call you daddy too?"

"Mm maybe mommy."

"It'll have to be a freezing cold day in hell."

"Okay, whatever. What do I do?"

"Do what I do."

Okay.. she always starts with kissing me so I should do that. I crawled on top of her and kissed her.

We kissed for a while. We had the time, Aaliyah and Blue didn't get out of school for another two hours.

I stopped kissing her to move my head down to her neck. She doesn't even let me get this far usually.

I think she liked it. She made a sound that could've just been a sigh but her legs kept moving.

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