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Welp. There goes our trip.

As soon as we got back from the mall, everyone went upstairs and split up.

Aaliyah and I went into the room we were stayed in and our moms went into different rooms.

"You just fucked up our whole vacation, you know that? We're on a fucking island and we can't even go out and do anything fun because you made them fight."

She just pissed me off. I told her not to say anything.

"It's your moms fault, she shouldn't have been doing the shit in the first place."

"No, it's your messy asses fault bitch. You should've just kept your ugly ass mouth shut, now look."

"Like I said, this isn't my fault. It's your moms."

"It's you and your moms fault. We shouldn't never even brought you guys here. You and your New York accents ruin everything."

"Bitch fuck you." She pushed past me and left the room.

I wasn't lying, they do ruin everything.

We all stayed in our rooms until dinner time. I didn't want to but I was forced to go to dinner.

It was so weird because none of us were talking. I was talking to my mama and Aaliyah was talking to hers but it was very separated.

I just wanted to go home at this point. Or maybe even just stay somewhere else.

After I took a shower and got ready for bed, I texted Aaliyah.

: are you coming back to the room or no? i just want to know bc the lights are on

I was lying.


I liked the message and went to sleep.

The next morning I woke up sure early. I think it's all the natural light in this room.

I didn't want to leave this room. All that's going to happen today is everyone ignoring each other and arguing.

This is the worst vacation ever and it's all Aaliyah's fault.

I got bored after sitting on my phone for hours and went to my mamas room. At least I know I won't walk in on anything.

I knocked on the door a couple times and opened it. She was sitting in bed on her phone like I was just a second ago.

She let out a breath of relief after I closed the door. "Thank God, I thought you were Onika. I was pretending to be on my phone."

"Can we go home?" I got into the bed and comfortable under the blankets.

"Go home? We just got here."

"Yeah, but this is barely a vacation. I would much rather be at home in bed than here in bed, nobody wants to talk."

"Only Onika and I aren't talking. You can still do stuff with Aaliyah and I."

"Me and Aaliyah aren't even talking right now." Over the most dumb reason.

"What? Why?"

"I said her and her mom ruined everything. Including this vacation."

"That's rude, you don't say that people." Look who's talking. I'm supposed to listen to her about being rude?

"That's how I feel. Aren't I supposed to express my feelings?"

"You don't have to say mean things out loud."

"You can't be talking, you're the meanest person  ever."

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