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I felt like a dummy. I haven't heard from or seen Beyoncé since she basically rocked my world.

I can tell when she's ignoring me because she doesn't drop Blue off.

I can take a hint. I texted her once but that was it. After a couple days, I accepted it.

I just don't really get why. I told her I didn't want to be her girlfriend, I was fine with it just being a two time thing.

She didn't have to ghost me, she was treating me like I was some slut. She blew my mind and gave me an earth shattering orgasm after years of not having any, left while I was sleeping, and just started ignoring me.

She didn't even take her clothes off. She knew she was going to do it. She was just using me because her wife cheated on her.

I couldn't dwell on it too long, I had actual adult responsibilities. I run my own restaurant and I'm raising a teenager on my own.

Speaking of my restaurant, business was going really good. Apparently someone made a Tiktok review of Pullum Oscula and now we're fully booked for this month and the next.

People have been fighting for a reservation. Someone even called and offered to pay for a spot.

Running a restaurant is harder than people think.

You have to make sure they have all the things they need to cook everything. You need to make sure everyone's actually doing their work and not sitting around.

A lot of the stuff I do, I don't really need to but I like to be very hands on. It's my baby, I worked really hard to be able to have my own restaurant.

It was supposed to be a family restaurant but after a serious of unfortunate events, Pullum Oscula was born. With death comes new life. That's exactly what it is to me.

I walked into the restaurant and it was already busy. I said hi to the servers in the front and they all pretended they weren't on their phones.

They're all young kids, all about high school to college age kids so I know they can't get off their phones for long periods of time.

I managed to get to the back talking to as little people as I could. The food smelled great.

My favorite chef came up to me and gave me a hug. I couldn't even hug her back, she was squeezing me that tight.

"Thank God you're here, these people are driving my crazy. You should see how they act when you're not here."

"Lauren- I can't breathe."

She laughed and let me go. "Sorry. I'm still working on the whole hugging thing."

She does this every single time. I'm going to end up with a broken rib one day.

"It's okay, we'll try again tomorrow." I don't think she realizes how strong she is.

"Actually..." I could tell by the look on her face that she was going to ask me for something. "I was wondering if I could have tomorrow off, best boss ever?"

"I'm not the manager. I'm sure if you find someone to take your shift it shouldn't really be a problem. Why do you need off?"

"I'm not about to tell my boss why I need off. I'm not trying to get fired."

"I would never fire you, you're my favorite."

I took Beyonces advice and started being more stern with everyone except Lauren, we're actually friends.

Me being shorter than everyone else expect for Lauren doesn't help. I have to make up for it by having tall person energy.

I mimicked some of the things I've seen Beyoncé do and it works. If I want something done, I tell someone to do it. I don't ask, I tell them and they do it.

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