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I was dropping Aaliyah off at Beyoncé's house since her and Blue made plans again. Aaliyah was holding my hand this time so she couldn't run. When we got to her door, I rang the doorbell and we waited for someone to open it.

Blue opened the door and smiled. "Hey y'all."

"Hi, where's your mom?"

"My aunt Kelly told me she has pneumonia and I need to leave her alone because her medication is making her delirious."

"Do you mind if I go up and check on her?"

I don't know her like that but pneumonia is serious, I would feel bad if I didn't.

She shrugged, "Sure. It's the room with the double doors." She took Aaliyahs hand and they ran upstairs.

I closed and locked the door behind me and went to find the room with the double doors. I walked up the stairs and it was the room farthest from me.

I knocked on the door and she didn't answer. I knocked a second time then I walked in because she could be dying or something.

I couldn't see her but I could see a big lump under her blanket. Her room was really big, my master bedroom isn't this big. I guess it makes sense, it's her and her wife and I'm the only one sleeping in my bedroom.

I walked over to her and pulled the blanket slightly down. She slightly opened her eyes and smiled.

"Baby! I missed you so much!"

Baby? She thinks I'm her wife?

"Uh no, it's Onika. I came to make sure you were okay but it seems like you're really out of it."

"I'm dying, I feel terrible. It hurts to breathe." Her voice was even raspier and scratchy.

"Uhh do you have a thermometer or something?" I don't really know how to help her but I would feel bad if I just left her like this alone.

"You already know where it is." She closed her eyes and laid back.

I don't understand why she thinks I'm her wife but I guess so. I went into her bathroom and it was already on her sink. Her bathroom was decorated really nicely.

I rinsed the thermometer off and left the bathroom again. She was on her back now with the blanket off her, I guess she got hot.

She only had on a sports bra and shorts, I think they were both from her brand.

"Beyoncé, can you open your mouth so I can take your temperature?"

"I want something else in my mouth, come sit on it. It's been months baby, stop depriving me."

She reached for me and I just had to go back in her bathroom to collect myself. Oh wow.

I did not sign up for this, I should just make a run for it. I was not at all prepared for this.

After I collected myself, I left the bathroom again. I was going to try to take her temperature again and if anything like that happens again, I'm leaving.

She was laying the same way she was before. I wasn't even going to say anything, I was just going to take her temperature and get the hell out.

She looked over at me and smiled. I walked closer and put the thermometer in her mouth, she actually wrapped her lip around it.

I felt like a nurse holding this thermometer in her mouth. I should've went home, I care too much about other people to do that.

I felt her grab my ass and I yelped and jumped. I took the thermometer out of her mouth and stood by the door.

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