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25k. That's how much she spent after our little argument earlier this week.

She went to The Galleria with her friends and bought everything in sight.

Fendi, Chanel, Saks, Hermes, Tiffany, she was everywhere. It's a disrespect thing. A big fuck you to me.

We already talked everything out. We always do.

I've been avoiding Onika because of it. I don't want to be a cheater but I know if I see her I might not be as respectful to my marriage as I have been.

It's one thing to do something with her drunk but being sober would be crossing a different line.

But if I would've gotten her to a real bed that one night.... baby her life would've been changed forever.

I do not have a crush on Onika by any means. Sure, she's a beautiful woman and I can tolerate being around her but I have no romantic feelings for her.

Sexual and platonic, sure I can admit that but I have no desire to be with her. Plus, I'm married.

Blue was over there right now. I made her walk this time.

Normani was about to go out with her friends so I was going to be all alone again.

I would probably just have a couple glasses of wine and start a new show, maybe look at some new design ideas. Sad.

I decided to check on what Normani was doing since she's been in the bathroom for a while.

I walked in without knocking, we're married. She was doing her makeup in the mirror and she smiled when I walked in. "Hey."

"Hi. You look good." I closed the door and came behind her.

"Thank you baby."

"Where did you say you were going again?" I remember her telling me but I forgot.

"An uh I don't really know what to call it. We're going out for drinks."

"You bought this dress during your little revenge shopping spree?" I lifted her dress up just a little, I barely could because of how tight it was. "No underwear?"

"Stop." She pulled her dress back down.

"I thought I was the mean one? We're just playing around, you don't want to have fun with me before you go?" I moved her hair to the side and kissed the side of her neck.

"I already said stop." She softly pushed me back and fixed her hair.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothings wrong, I'm just trying to get ready. We can do whatever when I get back."

That was a lie. I tried to stay up for her but she was out so late that I eventually fell asleep. Her and her friends don't know when to go home.

I woke up the next morning and I expected her to be sprawled out all over me after the night she had but she was on the other side of the bed with her back on me.

I didn't pay it much mind and got out of bed. Blue and Aaliyah missed the bus again so I had to take them to school.

Of course I had to take them to get iced coffee too, they bullied me into it. Aaliyah's getting spoiled just like Blue.

I came home and Normani was at the kitchen table. It looked like she had been crying, oh no.

"What happened? What's wrong?"

"I have a question and I want you to answer it honestly."

Oh no.

I sat down across from her at the table. "Okay.."
I wasn't going to lie to her, her feelings are probably about to be hurt.

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