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She called me first. I was at home in my office working and Onika called me first.

I answered the phone with a huge smile on my face. "Hey baby."

"I miss you. Come over."

"Huh? Are you okay?" She sounds just like me.

"Yeah, I just miss you and want you to come over. So come over."

"Okay, I'm on my way." All she had to say was the word and I'm on my way.

"See you then. Bye."

She hung up before I could say back. Well okay.

I put shoes on and walked outside. It was nice today so I decided to walk over to her house.

I didn't skip, I knew better this time. I got there in just a couple minutes and rang her doorbell.

She answered it fast like she was waiting on me. She looked cute, she had her hair in a messy bun and a shirt so oversized I couldn't tell if she was wearing shorts or not.

She smiled and kissed me, she didn't even say hi yet. "I really wanted to see you."

"I'm here now. Can you cook me something?" I walked inside and went straight to the kitchen.

"Cook for you?"

"Yes. I'm hungry." I haven't eaten all day today.

"Okay, what do you want?"

"Whatever your heart desires Onika." She's the chef here, not me.

"Well you asked- okay."

I leaned my back against the table and watched her take stuff out of the fridge.

"Do you like one piece or two piece bathing suits?" We were going to Hawaii.

She looked back for a second, "For what?"

"You know what for. Let me know before I buy what I think looks good for you and have you uncomfortable in what you're wearing and looking like a stripper or child." No offense.

"I don't remember saying yes."

"I do."

She chuckled and shook her head to herself. "You're crazy."

"I know." It works for me. "I'm going to miss you when you go to New York."

Even Blue is going to New York with Jay so I'm going to be alone.

"It's not for long. I'll be back for New Years."

"I already know we're going to get drunk and have disgusting sex. We're so predictable."

"At least the sex is good."

"Ain't it?"

"Mhm, I really put it down on you." She had to ruin it.

"You put it down on who? Please Onika."

"It's okay to like a little lady in between your legs. You're a lesbian and I'm a girl. Stop letting heteronormativity control your life."

"Aren't you supposed to be straight? What do you even know about that?"

"More than you, I do research. You're trying to be the man of this relationship but there is so man, we're both women. We both wear dresses and I've seen thongs in your laundry."

"Why are you going through my laundry creep?"

"I didn't, it was at the top."

"Liar. What are you cooking?" She's been putting random things in a pan the whole time we've been talking.

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