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It was thanksgiving and I already started one fire. I tried to melt butter for Kelly and it turned out terrible.

Kelly has been over since the morning. She was the main one cooking since my moms not coming to thanksgiving.

She's doing thanksgiving with her new family. I'm not offended and neither is Solo, I prefer it. She's like me and there can only be one of me at a dinner table.

"Kelly get out." I needed her gone so I could call Onika over.

"Why? It's thanksgiving."

"Just leave so I can cook. I don't want you to make it smell like shit and onions."

She slapped me upside my head. "Fuck you."

"Seriously. You don't have to leave but get out the kitchen, I get stage fright."

"Okay, fine but I can tell the difference between box mac and cheese and the real thing."

She put enough faith in me to make the mac and cheese. I know she was lying and she had a backup in the car but it's really the thought that counts.

"Okay, get out." I pushed her out of the kitchen and as soon as she was gone, I texted Onika to come over.

I left the back door open for her so Kelly wouldn't see her. While I waited for her, I got random pans out to keep myself busy.

There was a tiny knock at the door and I couldn't tell if it was her or a tiny bird but I still opened the door.

She was carrying a big foil pan so I took it from her and kicked the door open so she could just walk in.

I set it down on the kitchen counter. "Thank you."

"I didn't put it together because I wanted to it be believable. If you mix it in a pot, at least you'll have a dirty pot and it'll smell like you were cooking. The cheese part is actually really easy to make."

"Wait, I can't do it on my own."

"I wrote really clear instructions, you can do it. You just have to mix stuff and make sure it's the right color and smell."

"You think I can do that? Just make it." When I saw her face, I knew I had to correct myself to make her do it. "Make it. Please."

"That's better, you're getting there. Since you asked so nicely, I guess I can stay and help you."

I smiled, "Thank you." I was definitely getting my five thousand.

I watched her while she made this thing with flour. I hope I can actually learn something, I should probably feed my child sometime.

I jumped when I felt someone hug me from behind and elbowed them. I turned around and my ex husband was crouched over and holding his stomach.

"Jay?" I have no idea what he's doing here.

"Pointy ass elbows, I think you hit a lung."

"Fuck that, why are you in my home? How did you even get in, who let you in?"

He stood up but instead of looking at me, he was looking at Onikas behind.

I waved my hand in his face. "Hello? Stop looking at her butt and answer my question."

Me mentioning Onikas butt made her turn around.

"Hi, I'm Jay." He smiled and held his hand out.

She shook it and smiled. "Nice to meet you, I'm Onika."

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