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I walked into Onikas restaurant with Kelly. The food was so good here that I paid someone to steal their reservation.

It's not creepy, I just like the food.

I asked for a specific place in the most secluded place in the restaurant so we had to wait a little longer.

As soon as we were seated, we ordered drinks. After the week I've had, I deserve it.

"So... still single?" Kelly's been single and lonely as long as I can remember. She might be a virgin.

She smiled, "I went on a date a couple days ago."

"I assume it went well?" She was smiling and I couldn't help but smile back.

"He's great but-"

"Here we go." There's always a 'but' with Kelly. She's so picky when it comes to men.

"What? You don't even know what I was hound to say."

"What's the but Kelly?" I already know it's going to be the tiniest thing.

"He just- he's not taller than me in heels and he wore a hat."

"Okay so maybe he's not the tallest and he might have a receding hairline but that's no reason not to go on a second date."

"I don't accept the bare minimum like you."

"What? I don't accept the bare minimum."

"Your first husband was a rapper who looks like he didn't evolve with the rest of the human race and cheated on you.  Your first wife also cheated on you and is currently pregnant with your close friends baby. Not to mention she wasn't present for most of your marriage."

"What am I even supposed to say to this?" Ouch?


"Do you have sex? Because I tell you about my sex life but you never tell me anything about yours. Are you a virgin?"

"What? No I'm not a virgin. Why would I be a virginity?"

"We've known each other forever and you never told me when you lost your virginity. I feel like as a best friend I should know that."

She smirked, "Guess who I lost it to."

"Who?" I've wanted to know this forever.


I had to dap her up, I was so proud of her. "One of the finest men in high school, as you should. Even I couldn't do that."

"I heard he still lives in Houston."

"Let's find him."

We stopped talking when a waitress came with our drinks and took our order. The drinks were strong and good.

The wait time for the food wasn't long. Kelly got steak and I got pasta. I got chicken last time and it was good but I wanted to try more things on the menu.

We ordered a second round of drinks, I was feeling a little hot but I wasn't even tipsy yet.

"Are you and the jezebel officially done or are you going to keep acting like a dumbass?"

"She was on Instagram live the other night. At first I was thinking, 'why is she going live on Instagram?' but then I remembered people her age do that type of thing."

"You're not 70."

"I know but I was born in the 80's and she was born in the 90's. Big difference." Damn, I'm old.

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