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I hated this school.

It's not even 8am and these bitches are so loud and rowdy.

I went straight to class, I wasn't in the mood. I missed Aaliyah.

We do literally everything together so now that we're not talking, I'm so alone.

I have Nia but we're not even in the same grade and she has her own friends.

I don't think they like me very much. I don't care, they're all lame anyway. All they do is be ugly and vape.

The only one of her friends I like is her boy best friend. He's the one that was calling her his girlfriend under her post.

Speaking of him, I have first period with him. My first period is art so we basically sit around and do nothing for the period.

I squealed when I walked into the classroom and saw a sub sitting at the teachers desk. My day just got a little bit better.

I sat next to Tae even though it wasn't my assigned seat. "Hey."

"I heard Ms.Goldberg got cancer and that's why she's not here." He's one of those.

"One can only hope." She's the worst. She's one of those old teachers that hates kids and everyone wonders why they still teach.

He laughed, "Girl stop. They said she should've stopped smoking all those cigarettes during lunch."

"She smokes about a pack a day after her husband divorced her. I think she comes in drunk." That's probably why we don't do anything in this class.

"Sad case. Maybe she should've been less of a bitch."

"We're so sick, that lady has cancer." We were terrible but I couldn't stop laughing.

"She's so- oop. Your girlfriend said to text her back right now."

She hates it when I don't text her back, she's such a girl. I checked my phone and I had a couple texts from her.

nia 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩: wya?

nia 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩: stop going to class so earlyyyy 🫤

I literally got to class just as the late bell rang?

: girl i'm trying to get an education

: do your gov work because i know you're failing

: ole dumbass

nia 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩: girl fuck you. meet me in the bathroom

: for what?

nia 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩: because i said so 🤨

: i'm trying to be a young scholar. bye.

nia 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩: why are you lying? tae told me you guys have a sub and you're just sitting around

nia 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩: i miss youuuuuu

: #gay

: but i'm coming rn let me ask

"I'll be back." I stood up and went to ask the sub if I could use the bathroom. They said yes without even looking at me and I left.

We had one specific bathroom we always went to. I used to skip in there with Aaliyah because literally nobody comes in here but.. yeah.

I walked all the way up the stairs to the top floor of the school and went to our bathroom.

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