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over or welcome to the neighborhood?


Today, I was going out with Beyoncé and her friends. I hope they're not mean and stuck up like her.

I can handle her but I can handle more than one version of her. I'll cry.

Aaliyah was spending the night at her house so that was one less thing I had to worry about.

Plus, if they start a fire it won't be at my house.

Aaliyah got into my house and drove down the street to Beyonce's house. Aaliyah got out when we got there and I texted Beyoncé that I was outside.

She was in something black, I don't even know how to describe it. She looked amazing, like really really good. She looks like her personality, if that makes sense.

She came to my window and knocked on it. I was confused why she didn't just get in but I rolled the window down anyway. "Yes?"

"I already told you I'm driving my car, let's go."

"It doesn't matter who drives, just get in." It's really not a big deal.

"Are you even old or tall enough to be driving, Onika? How do I know you can safely get me to our destination?"

"Are you serious? Just get in the car."

"No, let me drive."

"Get in or I'm going home."

She huffed and walked around the car. She got in the passenger seat and crossed her arms.

"Put your seatbelt on, sweetheart." I get why she thinks it's so funny to do to me.

"Don't tell me what to do. If I die, I die."

"Okay, put the address in my phone before you fly out the window." I handed her my phone that was unlocked on the maps app.

She rolled her eyes but she still put the address in and handed the phone back to me.

I followed the directions to the address and parked. We both got out the car and walked to the front.

"You look good." She opened the door for me. It was basically a bar but there was lounge chairs and couches. It looked cool.

"Thank you. So do you." I really liked her dress, it looked good on her.

"Thank you. My friends are right there." She pointed to a section where a couple of people were sitting.

Kelly noticed us first and stood up to give Bey a hug. Bey gave her a quick hug and said something to Kelly that made her chuckle.

"Yall this is Onika. Onika that's Aubrey, Megan, Robyn, and you already know Kelly."

"Hi." I waved at all of them, they were all staring at me and it was making me uncomfortable.

They all their their individual hi's to me. They already seemed nicer than Beyoncé.

Beyoncé handed me a drink out of nowhere. I raised an eyebrow at her, I didn't even notice she left my side.

"It's Patron and some juice stuff. It's good, try it."

A drank just a little bit to get a taste and I could barley taste the alcohol. "It is good. What are you drinking?"

"The same thing but with Casamigos and Red Bull."

"Hm. Okay."

"I can handle my liquor, don't worry." I hope so.

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