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Wang Jiu Gui wondered if he was in his right senses. He pinched his thigh with great force, and then yelped 'ouch' out of pain.

It didn't seem like a dream.

But if this wasn't a dream, how could he explain all this?

In a short time, the men he had brought were scattered on the ground. The initiator walked to the stone steps while brushing off the dust on her clothes. Wang Jiu Gui looked at her incredulously. He Yan turned to him, her eyes bright and clear, making the hair on his body stand on end.

He had never seen He Yan acting so high and mighty.

He Yan never behaved this way. She was beautiful, mean and rather vain, obsessed in gaining advantages from others through unfair methods. A girl like her was a common sight in Jing Cheng Capital. These kinds of girls aimed for a higher rank in society but never managed to achieve it. The fortunate girls could enter rich households as concubines, while the unfortunate ones could only marry commoners and lead plaintive lives. He Sui raised his daughter like a rich miss of a noble household. Wang Jiu Gui knew for a fact that He Yan had never touched sharp and pointed objects in her life. She may have played musical instruments or painted pictures, but her delicate hands had never beaten up people like this.

Yet, just now, Wang Jiu Gui witnessed how this pair of hands clenched into fists and threw a strong man to the ground with a single punch. He recollected how he howled in pain when He Yan had caught his wrist. Her fingers were sharper than an axe.

Wang Jiu Gui desperately wanted to sob.

Before he could even think of a way to beg for mercy, that young girl walked towards him.

"Grandma! Have mercy on me!" His rational thoughts vanished into thin air, and Wang Jiu Gui blurted out: "I failed to use my eyes, please be generous and forgive me!"

"From this day forth, don't give me any presents." He Yan said gently, "I don't like them."

"Alright! Alright! Alright!" Wang Jiu Gui said 'alright' more than once, afraid that He Yan wouldn't believe him. He added: "Is there anything you want me to buy for you?"

"There is no need for that. Haven't you heard the saying 'sow nothing, reap nothing'?" He Yan smiled. "We are neighbors. I would appreciate if you don't try to pull any more pranks."

"Yes, yes, yes." Wang Jiu Gui answered gratefully.

"However, I have something to ask of you." He Yan said.

After a while, He Yan left the messy alley with a light heart as the burly men on the ground moaned in pain. She walked away quickly, not knowing that after she left, someone from one of the floors of Restaurant Zui Yu released the fan on his hand, covering the messy place below with gauze curtain.

A man with an enthusiastic voice laced with laughter said, "When did the girls in Jing Cheng become so brave and fierce? Uncle, is this the reason why you neither want to make an engagement nor get married soon?"

His question wasn't answered.

That person pressed on, "Uncle, do you want me to find out which family that young girl belongs to? If she's strong enough, you could take her in as a female guard under you. Late at night, she could also accompany you..."

Someone's fingertip lightly tapped on the table and sent a tea cup lid flying accurately into his mouth with a 'swoosh', rendering him speechless.

"Hmm, hmmmm—" That person revolted unwillingly.

"If you talk one more word of nonsense again, I'll throw you down from here." A lazy, unconcerned voice stopped his counterpart from making any complaints.

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