CH 76: He Yan held the mandarin duck pot in a daze.

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A voice pulled her thoughts back to her, "no use?"

She looked up, and the young man in the dark blue robe had sat down on the stool in front of her bed and took the pot back from her hand.

There is a mystery hidden in the mandarin duck pot. One pot can hold two kinds of wine. It is a necessary tool to poison people. He pulled a piece of white cloth and poured a little, then a little. The first thing that flowed out was the juice, then the powder. A small spoon was embedded beside the handle of the pot. Xiao Jue took the spoon and slowly spread it.

When he did these things, his long eyelashes fell down, and his profile was handsome and compelling. He also brought some of his youth's elegance, which made people feel confused. He did not know whether he was here in liangzhouwei or Xianchang hall thousands of miles away.

When he Yan was in a daze, he had smeared the ointment on the white cloth and threw it to Heyan. His tone was extremely indifferent: "on myself."

"Oh," He Yan had expected and whispered, "I didn't expect you to help me."

He heard, staring at Heyan with a smile: "dare not delay you to defend yourself like a jade."

"You just know." He Yan said with a smile: "but thank you, governor, such a valuable medicine."

"There's a shortage of drugs in the clinic, unless you want to die." He said.

He Yan solemnly looked at him: "that also counted to save my life, did not expect the governor is such a kind of person."

Xiao Jue Xiang way, "do not know what to say." He got up and left.

He Yan saw that he was really gone this time, just lean against the head of the bed, and sighed gently. Xiao Jue's medicine is very effective. It is clear and cool, and the pain is relieved a lot.

He Yan looked at the pot, his mind gradually away.

On that snowy night when she was 14 years old, Xiao Jue was not as indifferent as she is now. At least when he Yan said that he could not use it, he not only helped to open the mandarin duck pot, but also personally prescribed medicine for her.

It's strange that the picture at that time has been very vague, but today Xiao Jue so, those forgotten details are slowly unfolding in front of Heyan, as if just happened, clear and incredible.

She sat on the stone bench in the yard, and the young man, who was always lazy and indifferent, had the rare patience to prescribe medicine for her. He has picturesque eyebrows and eyes, and his side face is in front of Heyan. He can almost feel his warm breath, which has faded away from the sharpness of the past, with soft warmth, covering her cold heart completely.

The mask covered her face, and the other party could not see her expression or feel her palpitation at that time.

It's hard to be indifferent to people like him, especially when such a cold hearted person treats others gently, the iron hearted people will bump into each other. He Yan was young at that time, and he had no resistance. He was defeated in an instant.

After finishing the medicine, he left. He Yan called him in a low voice: "your medicine."

"See you off." The young man carelessly replied, "you are so stupid, you will have a lot of chances to get hurt in the future. Keep it by yourself."

A word became a prophecy, she later, the opportunity of injury was innumerable. The ointment in the mandarin duck pot had been used up for a long time, and the pot was later lost by her in a war. I think it's a pity.

On the next day, the teenagers went to the school hall and found that the calligraphy on their desk was wet with water, and the flowers could not recognize the handwriting. All of a sudden, they were in chaos.

"Who did it? Come out and I'll take care of it and I won't kill him! " They roared fiercely.

"Isn't that easy? Look whose copybook is clean. If you look inside, you can always find the one who has a grudge against us Some people offer a brilliant plan.

He Yan's heart is tight, extremely upset, no wonder he said he was stupid, even this kind of thing did not expect. Her calligraphy is clean and tidy. If you check it out, you can't be yourself?

Forget it, do it all, man man, dare to do it. As soon as she accepted her fate, she watched helplessly as the teenagers asked the students in the school library to check the calligraphy.

I'm almost in front of myself.

He Yan summoned up his courage and was about to stand up and shout "I did it". Suddenly, someone came in and put the book on the table.

The movement was so great that everyone looked to the other side. They saw the beautiful young man in white robe leaning against the wall, holding his chest in his hands, and looking lazy and indifferent, he said casually, "I did it."

There was an uproar.

"Huai, Huai Jin, are you really responsible for this?" Someone asked carefully.

Xiao Huaijin is not he Rufei. Who dares to provoke in the capital city, let alone the Xiao family who oppresses the dead, even his husband has to protect him. The emperor has praised him personally.

"It's me." He answered with a straight answer.

"But why?" Asked the man, with a sad face.

"No why," replied the boy, glancing at him, "slippery hands."

"Puff", Heyan didn't resist to laugh out, aware of the people's eyes, and quickly turned around as if nothing had happened.

What happened later?

Later, it was over because it was Xiao Huaijin. Other people did not dare to say anything. They could only admit that they were unlucky.

"Zhi Ya", the door was pushed open, Shen muxue came in. She took the empty medicine bowl and water basin and told Heyan not to press the wound, and then she went out.From the narrow window of the room, you can see the four corners of the sky, a bright moon hanging in the sky, bright stars.

She murmured in a low voice: "today is the Chinese Valentine's Day..."

She never had a festival, used to do men's dress up, this Festival Japan has nothing to do with her. Later, she married Xu Zhiheng. At the beginning, she was also looking forward to it. How to dress up as a man? When she is red, I just want to be like an ordinary girl. She goes to the river to put flower boats, worship Xianhe, steam Qiao fruit and go to temple fairs. I heard there are fireflies on the mountain.

She summoned up her courage and asked Xu Zhiheng for the first time. Xu Zhiheng agreed with a smile, "OK."

But before Tanabata, she was blind. So it seems to be forgotten, Xu Zhiheng did not take the initiative to mention, Heyan also did not mention, thinking that Xu was so worried about his illness that he lost his mind. Until the next day, he just like passing by her door, smiling, let people put away the lantern that Xu Zhiheng sent her the day before.

She had just learned that Xu Zhiheng was not in the house on the Chinese Valentine's day, not because of official business, but to accompany him, just like going to a temple fair.

All kinds of life, white clouds and dew. She didn't know how she was doing as a man, but she knew that being a woman was really bad.

Just thinking about it, Hong Shan came in from the outside and saw the mandarin duck pot in her hand. He joked casually: "Oh, our governor also sent you a gift for Chinese Valentine's Day! What good wine! Let me have a taste of it

He Yan was stunned for a moment and suddenly laughed.

The past life and this life, now think about it, in fact, this Chinese Valentine's day, not too bad. She took a ride with countless dream people of Wei women, touched his waist, rode his horse, walked through the mountain road, saw the starry sky, and finally got a pot of miraculous medicine in vain.

It's worth living.

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